Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Fourteen.

"Come, on, kid. I don't wanna do this, either," the guard dude barked and pushed me along. I've just got checked for lice and was sprayed with this cold shit. I'm on my way to being strip searched and showered. This guard has repeatedly told me he won't put up with my shit. I just wanna go home.

We stop. He barks orders at me, but I can't make them out.

"God damn it! We have to search you for a reason, just do it!" The officer yells. I reluctantly throw my shirt on the floor and fiddle with my belt. Once that's off, I zip down my pants and slowly strip to nothing. My hands self consciously slip down to cover my dick. The guard searches for illegal shit and stuff that'll cause trouble. I sigh annoyed and wiggle anxiously.

"Alright, kid. Get in the shower and do your business. You might as well get it over with now, cause' I ain't going nowhere."

I grunt and get into the cold shower. It's not freezing, but it sure as hell isn't warm like at home. And then you turn around and Mr. Pervy Officer is looking at you. I try to keep it quick and efficient; who knows how long it'll be before I get to shower again. And the next time I shower, it'll be with a group of boys.

When I get out, the guard gives me a blue-grey-ish faded jumpsuit. No street clothes are allowed until we get out. I'm here for six weeks, and then the judge will tell me where to go from here. You'd think I'd be pissed and regret doing what I did to Jasper, but I really don't. I'm still quite proud of what I did. I avenged the love of my life. I did what I wanted to do and scared the living shit out of Blaine.

The guard shows me my cell. It has two cots, a toilet, and a little tin chair. It's empty.

"Your roommate, Kyle, is in the rec yard with the other boys. He'll be back later. You just sit here and don't start trouble. I'll check on you later, Jacob," the guard said. He said my name for the first time. He looked at me sympathetically. And as soon as I saw his eyes soften, they hardened again and he walked out. I sat down on the floor, I didn't want to sit on the wrong cot and have this Kyle guy starting shit with me.

I closed my eyes and replayed the past few months in my head. The first day of high school, meeting Shaun, meeting Blaine and Jasper, kissing Shaun, getting beat up, Shaun dying, killing Jasper. And all the nothingness in between. I look at before I met Shaun. I can't really remember. That's really scary; I can't remember myself a year ago.

And then the cell door opens and here comes a tall, slender, pale boy around my age. He had dyed red-yellow-orange hair a little shorter than mine. His back was a bit hunched, but he still was taller than me. He looked at me and smirked.

"You're the new guy, huh? . . . . Jacob, right?" he mused.

"Jake. You must be Kyle." I said. I got up off the floor and reached out my hand for him to shake it.

"Yeah. I've been here for three weeks now. I'm here for eight weeks because my asshole of a dad has to scrape up the money for a lawyer. I am supposed to be out of here in one to two more weeks, but no." Kyle said.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"We're not supposed to talk about what we did on the outside. But, we all do anyway. I was in possession of marajuana and underage drinking. Very common around here. You kinda look like you did the same. That what happened to you?" Kyle said with a hushed tone. He came closer to me with every word. I guess the guards could overhear us easily.

"I, um, did something a lot worse. And I would tell you, but you're my roommate and I kinda need someone to talk to. You'd think I'm crazy." I said, looking down. Kyle looked at me, took a hold of my chin and made me look at him.

"I've met a lot of crazy mother fuckers in my day, and I couldn't care less if shoplifted a pair of sunglasses or killed the cashier." Kyle said and chuckled. I giggled a bit and smiled at him.

"You got a cute smile there, kid. Don't hide it." Kyle said. I blushed and looked away. There was a little of an awkward pause. I decided to be the one to break it.

"Does everyone here refer to everyone else as 'kid'?" I laughed.

"The guards all do. It grows on you." Kyle smiled.

"So, you ready to hear what I did?" I said, sitting down on the floor again, leaning against the wall.

"I had this friend, Shaun. He meant everything to me. He was openly gay, and I admired him so much for that. The jocks, on the other hand, had a problem with it. They'd pick on him and beat him up in the locker room and all that cliche shit." I said. I cleared my throat and looked down. Kyle rubbed my arm reassuringly. I looked up at him and continued.

"Since I was his best friend, people saw me as his boyfriend. They beat me, too, then. But, I wasn't gay. Shaun knew that. But one day, I kissed him. I wanted to see what it would be like. And it was like pop-rocks, vodka, and fireworks all exploding in my mouth. I said I loved him. He didn't believe me. He didn't think I was gay. I was mad at him. The jocks saw him without me and beat him up behind the school. I found them and they beat me, too. I woke up with a concussion and some other stuff. Shaun was fucking in a coma. And he died in a coma. And I was so sad I decided to do something about it. I stole my grandfather's gun. I killed Jasper, the head jock. And I don't regret it. And now I'm here, paying my debt." I said. I was teared up and sniffling by the end. I looked at Kyle and he had tears in is eyes. He put his arms around me and hugged me. He was so warm and made me feel a bit alive; like I wasn't rotting in a pit of despair. I was like that for so long, and I've known this guy for ten minutes and he's already making me feel better.

"You're not straight, either, huh?" I giggled. Kyle laughed, too, and put his head into my shoulder.

"Kyle, I'm fine, really. You don't have to comfort me like this. Nobody else does." I said.

"It's just that, you're the first person I've come out to. Nobody else here understands. Some of the guys even got in here for gay bashing. It's scary alone." He whimpered.

"I will be here for you, Kyle. But, I'm setting one rule: We can't date." I said. Kyle frowned.

"I'm not over Shaun. When we get out, I'll make sure to call you up. We'll take it from there." I winked.

"Okay. That's actually for the best. PDA will probably get us both killed." Kyle muttered. I got up, picked him up off the floor, and gave him a hug.

"Welcome to Juvie, roomie," Kyle smiled as we pulled apart. We spent the rest of the night talking.

This guy is fucking amazing. Maybe Juvie won't be so bad after all.
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Longer Chapter. I like it(:
