Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Fifteen.

Remember when I said Juvie won't be that bad after all?
Well, I was full of shit.

Well, the food is gross. It almost reminds me of gruel from Oliver Twist. It's a bit more edible than that. I've been here for three days, haven't showered since I came, and I'm going to the rec yard today.

Kyle was nice for the first day. And the second. But, last night, he was way more, flirtatious. I would say something and the only response would be a sleazy and sexual remark. He traced my jaw line with his pinky figure when I was sleeping and whispering weird things in my ear like:

"Shhh... Jakie... go back to sleep. You're so beautiful and peaceful. Almost innocent. I want to shield you forever." I would shudder and curl up more into myself.

I woke up this morning and had to piss like a race horse. I looked over at Kyle, and he looked to be sleeping. So, I walked over to the toilet and unzipped my jumper quietly so he wouldn't wake up and perv on me. As I was doing my business, I looked around to make sure Kyle wasn't looking at me. But sure enough, he was lying in his cot looking at me with the biggest smirk plastered on his face.

"Damn, Morgan." he mumbled. I blushed and hurried the fuck up. Once I was done, I zipped up the jumper as fast as I could. I flushed the dirty metal knob on the toilet and made my way back to the cot.

I opened my mouth to speak when he kissed me. He attacked my mouth with his, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled it towards his face. I was struggling to get out of his grasp, but he kept kissing me. I even tried biting his tongue, but it just spurred him on. I could even taste his blood in my mouth. Finally, he pulled away and licked his lips, leaving a little trail of blood from one lip to the other.

"Someone's a little kinky," he winked.

"What the fuck?" I said, raising my voice.

"I know you like me. And I like you. And when I see something I want, I get it." he panted. I was about to open my mouth to yell, to scream, to plead for help, when the guard came knocking.

"Alright, kids, we're taking a trip to the rec yard!" he said with mocking cheery tone. He opened the door and pushed us towards the rec yard. There was sunlight, it looked so pretty. But, at the same time, it was grey and dirty and gross.

"Hey, Kyle!" some guy said and high-fived Kyle. A group of guys came and swiped him away from me. I decided to just sit by the wall and stay out of everybody's way.

"New guy!"
"Fresh meat!"
"Take a look over here, dude!"

A bunch of guys came over to me saying things like that. I looked up and saw a tall bronze burly guy, a slim pale dark haired guy, a pale short blonde guy, and a very skinny black guy with a black afro.

"Hey, kid, whatcha doing alone?" the burly kid asked. He was definitely the leader of the group.

"I haven't met anyone yet." I said coldly. I looked down at my feet. They continued talking to me, but I didn't listen; until the burly one picked me up off the ground.

"Hey, look, I'm talking to ya. And when I'm talkin to ya, ya'll better answer back." he growled, showing his teeth. They were yellow and a little crooked.

"And you look, I did some pretty fucked up things to get here and I don't appreciate you all over me. Because I just go back to my old ways of handling... problems... like you." I snarled. The burly guy picked me up higher by the collar until I was dangling in the air.

"Randy, he ain't worth this shit." the black guy said. But, Randy, the burly one, pinned me up to the wall, still hanging in the air

"You know how I got here? I held my principal at gunpoint. Yeah, I didn't get to shoot the bastard. But, I would have. And I would do the same to anyone else." Randy said with a hushed, evil tone.

"I shot three jocks. All three, dead. You see, I'm not afraid to kill someone and actually know how to use a gun." I said.

"Why'd you shoot em'? They wouldn't let you play with the big kids?" Randy said and his followers snickered. His face was getting closer to me, as well as his free fist. I kneed Randy the hardest I could from where I was dangling and seconds later, I was on the ground. Randy was on the floor protecting his junkular area. I got up off the ground and walked to the other side of the rec yard.

"Hey, roomie!" Kyle said and high-fived me. I went along with it. He was probably trying to fit in with some of these homophobes, anyway. And I, for one, don't wanna be gay-bashed either. He was surrounded by five guys: A blonde guy, average height, kinda pudgy; Another blonde guy, shorter, paler, and skinnier; A brunette with stunning blue eyes and a snake-bite piercing; a guy with black hair, had a lip ring, looked like Mike T.V. from Willy Wonka after he got out of the taffy puller (really tall and thin), and looked at least 16 or 17; and a guy with long black hair with a few red streaks in it, very tan, and looked 17.

"This is my new roommate, Jake. Jake, this is the guys. This is Cody, Brock, Zack, Taylor, and Jose." Kyle said.

"Hey, Jake. Whatcha get in for?" Zack, the brunette, asked, shaking my hand.

"Shot three homophobic pricks at my school." I said nonchalantly.

"You gay, man?" the pudgy blonde, Cody, asked. Kyle had his famous smirk painted on his face.

"Not particularly, but I had a friend who was. They were beating him up and killed him in the process. So, I got back them." I said, sending daggers at Kyle.

"Bad ass! the skinnier blonde, Brock said.

"Yeah, I guess," I said.

"I was gonna say, because I got in here for stabbing this faggot who would kiss his boyfriend everyday by my locker. It was disgusting," Cody said. I froze. Kyle tensed up, too, and then laughed about it. Everyone else laughed about it, too, except for me and Taylor, the tall black haired guy with the lip ring.

"Come on, Taylor, loosen up." Jose, the tan black and red haired guy said, laughing.

"What if someone said they got here for stabbing a Mexican because they were Mexican?" Taylor retorted. Jose shut up. After a long awkward pause, Kyle got a weird look on his face. It was that stupid smirk. I hated that smirk and how cute it made him look.

"So, Taylor, what did you do again?" Kyle mused. I could even tell Kyle just said that to piss Taylor off. Taylor squirmed a bit and looked down at the ground. He finally lifted his head and said, "I got teased for fucking guys, so I cracked their head against the locker room floor. And I'll gladly do it again."

"That was brave of you, not to take their shit." I said.

"Well, you did the same." Taylor said, with that same cold look on his face.

"Well, I'm not..." I trailed off. Fuck it, I wasn't gonna lie.

"Don't say anything. I know. I got a gaydar," Taylor said. Just like Shaun.

"Alright, prissies, break it up before you start making out!" Cody said. Everyone laughed, even me and Taylor.

After our trip to the rec yard, we had our "lunch" and we got back in our cells. I sat down on my cot and looked at Kyle. He was frowning.

"Listen, Jake, you don't get all buddy-buddy with Taylor." he said. I looked at him like he was crazy, but he had his hands on his hips and his lips pursed. Kind of like my mom when she was about to throw a tantrum.

"I can if I want." I said nonchalantly and sat back a bit.

"No, you're mine." Kyle said with a creepy tone. I shuddered, suddenly feeling dirty. He came over and pinned me down on the cot.

"I don't wanna be your boyfriend! Or your fuck-buddy! Or whatever the fuck your intentions with me are!" I said.

"Why.Not?" he said, putting scary pauses in between his words.

"Look, I'm bi. Not completely gay. And I guess I just don't find you attractive. I lean more towards girls, I guess. Whatever you do to me is considered rape, my friend." I said, half-way lying through my teeth. I'm bi, but I like guys more than girls. But, if it gets me out of getting raped, than I will be into whatever Kyle isn't into.

"I don't wanna be stuck here longer for rape," Kyle said, venom spraying from his words. He got to his cot and layed back.

"Don't tell anyone about this and we'll still be cool, kay?" he asked after a super long awkward pause.

No, I wanna tell the authorities. The guards. My mom and dad. Kailee. Taylor. All the other kids who think he's straight.

I wanna tell Shaun.

I don't wanna spend the rest of my time here hiding. That was the best part of meeting Kyle and knowing he went through the same shit I did. But, I can keep up a few weeks more. I'll be out of here before him. I can keep up with him for the rest of my time here. I can pretend. And then I won't ever have to return here. I'll go where the judge wants me to go. And after that, I can go home. See Mama. And Kailee. I won't ever let them down again.

"Kay." I said before falling asleep, drowning in my thoughts.