Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Eighteen.

Things have been really quiet without Kyle around. The guards told me that nobody would be moving until my cell until I get out. It's only three days away. I'm as excited as Kyle was, but the sad thing is that I don't have anybody to share it with. I don't have anyone to tell me they'll miss me, as if I didn't impact anybody here, as if nobody even knew I was here. Mom is supposed to visit me today around three, so I'm very excited to see somebody. I've been sitting here all day, excitement running through my veins. It bubbles through my blood, travels out my pores, and radiates off my skin. I felt like there was an aura or some kind of glow all around me, keeping me refreshed and happy. Before I knew it, my Ma was here with a big smile on her face.

"Morgan, your mother is here. Come with me." the guard said as he knocked on the cell. He took me to where my mom was, smiling with a mix of pure happiness and concern.

"Mama!" I yelled and hugged her tight. As we pulled away, she said, "I've missed you, baby. I just wanted to let you know that I love you and no matter what your father says, I will always love you for you, not who you like." I was left speechless with a smile on my face. When I didn't say anything, she continued.

"Jake, babe, when you get out and go to your trial, I will plead for you to come home. But, Thursday, the day before you go home, a psychologist will come in and test you to see if you are..." she trailed off, musing for the right word.

"Crazy?" I suggested.

"No, just, not suitable for this environment." Mama said slowly, checking to see if her words weren't offensive to me.

"You mean crazy." I chuckled. She sat back in her seat, looking at me. She had this look on her face as if she was observing me. Well, the shrink will do the same. After a semi-long silence, I asked her, "How's Kai doing?"

"Oh, she asks about you all the time. She wants to come visit you every day, but I don't want her in a place like this," she said, sounding maternal. She tucked her brown hair behind her ear and crossed her legs. She kept a good grip on her purse and pursed her lips.

"Alright, just tell her that I love her, okay?" I said sincerely. I had to brush my bangs out of my eyes. My hair was growing like crazy. My chin-length hair was almost brushing my shoulder, and I had a little stubble on my chin. My jumpsuit was a little dirty and dingy and a bit too big for me. It never really fit, but I think I'm losing weight.

"Alright, sweetie. I have to take off. Be a good boy for the next few days. Bye, I love you." Mama said, kissing my cheek. She pulled back and said, "Wow, Jakie, when you get home the first thing we're doing is shaving." I laughed and said good-bye. When she left, the guard put me back in my cell. When I got back, I sat down at my bunk and did what I always do when I can't think, write a mental note to Shaun.

"Dear Shaun,

I get out in three days. I wish you were here to see how much I've changed. I think I'm a bit wiser, more open-minded, and I'm starting to grow a beard. You'd love it, I know you'd think it's sexy. The first thing I wanna do when I get home is give Kailee a big hug, go to Wal-Mart, and get a new straightener and a new stick of eyeliner. No, wait, I'm gonna come and visit you first. No, wait, I'm gonna write this all down on paper first. And then, come visit you. Yeah, that's what I'll do. You would think I'd feel sorry for what I did to Jasper, but then I think of you and what he did to you and how much he deserved it. I'll go through any punishment it takes, I wanted to avenge you. So, I hope you're proud of me, baby.

I love you,

♠ ♠ ♠
Junior Prom is Friday(:
Be excited with me!!
Comments are amazinggg
