Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Two.

Wow, school sucks. This is the beginning of my third month in this hellhole. The only reasons I go is because my parents make me (Hey, I'm only 14) and Shaun. He and I are inseparable. Except for two classes we don't have together, 4th and 6th period. 4th period, I have Spanish and Shaun has gym. I have gym 6th and he had Spanish. Gym is kinda crucial, though. I dread it every single day.

So, I'm in the locker room, changing into my shorts and T-Shirt, when Jasper and his best friend, Blaine, come up behind me and knock me down on my ass.

"Whatcha gonna do what your boyfriend, homo!" Blaine says and picks me up by the collar. He punches me in the gut and I grunt in pain.

"The little faggot probably enjoys this punishment, Blaine," Jasper mocks. Blaine lets go of me and a fall to the floor in a complete mess. They punch and kick me for a little while longer. Then, the coach blew his whistle from the gym and Blaine ran out all dressed for gym. Jasper didn't have gym this period, so he walked out in his regular school clothes. I lied on the floor for a good ten minutes before I manage to pull myself up. I look in the mirror. A couple bruises were beginning to form on my stomach and legs. I had a minor gash from my temple. I wrapped up some toilet paper from the bathroom stall and got the cut to stop bleeding. It left a nice cut on my temple. I cleaned myself up and looked at the clock. There was ten minutes of class left. I decided to get dressed and brush my hair before everyone came in to change. When the bell rang, I slipped out of the locker room and went to the cafeteria. It was lunch period. I sat down at mine and Shaun's table and waited for him to come down from Spanish.

When he saw me, he frowned.

"What happened to your face, man?"

"Some trouble in the locker room. No biggie," I said, practically lying.

"Jasper?" he asked with worried eyes.

"And Blaine."

"They just jumped you?"

"Yeah. They said I couldn't do anything about it since my boyfriend wasn't there," I chuckled. It was a fake laugh. But, it made my tone lighter.

"I'm so sorry. It really is my fault." Shaun said.

"How on Earth is it your fault?"

"I'm the gay one. And you're taking the abuse with me." Shaun said. His voice had gone to a whisper as if Japser and Blaine were right behind him.

"You're my best friend. You could be a girl or a fucking sea monster and still be my best friend; as cheesy as it sounds." I said. Shaun giggled and all had come back to normal. But, then I noticed Shaun had a big bruise on his lower arm. He saw it was showing and pulled his sleeve over it.

"Shaun, what happened to your arm?" I asked.



"Jasper's in my gym class." he said. So?? Oh!

"Oh! You get this same stuff, huh?"

"Yeah. Sometimes I don't even make it to class."

"How long? Before me, I'm guessing. This was my first run-in with them." I said. Shaun picked at his lip ring for a little while and finally opened his mouth to speak.

"About a month. We didn't have locker rooms before this year so I'm not used to the daily beatings."

"A month? You never told me after a month?" I said, raising my voice.

"I knew you'd get involved. So, I decided to try to handle it myself." Shaun said softly. I looked over at Jasper's table. They were laughing and making jokes with their girlfriends. It made me sick.

Shaun convinced me he was fine and we walked around school for the rest of the period.

No. I know Shaun isn't okay.
And I will make sure he is soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm home sick so I'll try to update again today.