Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Twenty-One.

"The court recognizes..." the judge starts. The trial had just started. And it's NOTHING like the court cases on TV. There's like nobody there; just DanBrook's Principal, Dan, my mom, me, the judge, Blaine's mother, and some other guys in suits. I looked over at Blaine's mom, who was staring at me in disgust. Her eyes were almost squinting at me, full of hate and anger. Her lips were pursed and looked like one single line. Her tan skin had deep creases. Her eyebrows furrowed. Principal Dan was next to her, giving me a similar look. I smiled and waved cheerfully before looking away. When I looked back, they wore expressions that showed their mixed emotions of anger, shock, and disapproval. They were still looking at me, so I blew a kiss their way. Kill them with kindness. But really, it's more obnoxious than kind. Principal Dan sneered and whispered something to Blaine's mom. I chuckled and turned my attention to the judge's chair. The judge had just started introduction. It seemed to just drone on forever. I kind of zoned out on his speech until he said,

"I call Dr. Stern to the stand," the judge announced loudly after making his introduction. Dr. Stern appeared with his file with my name on it. He adjusted his burgundy glasses and opened the file.

"After my talk with Mr. Morgan, I noted that his behavior was a bit shaky. He had this obsessive relationship with a man named Shaun. I sensed it to be a rather intense, intimate relationship from the beginning. He denied it, but vividly described the intimate actions between them. When Shaun... passed ... it left Jacob emotionally scarred and he lashed out against the people who were the cause of his death in spite of what they had done. I believe that the emotional damage of Shaun passing has made him aggressive, confused, and a potential threat. However, speaking with his supervisors, I found out he was surprisingly subtle and didn't cause any trouble while in the detention hall. They said it was like he wasn't even there. Overall, I believe that if under constant supervision and had weekly to daily therapy sessions, he could be allowed to return home. However, personally, I wouldn't take the risk of letting him return home. I think the psych ward as you may call it, could be potentially extremely beneficial to Mr. Morgan. It could even potential alter his behavior and his whole attitude towards others," Dr. Stern said slowly, sternly, and fluently. He didn't pause like he did when he spoke with me. He must have practiced what he was going to say in front of a mirror or something. It must have taken him hours to write this speech. It must have been very good because I didn't fully understand much after the first sentence. He has so much time on his hands. Like my idol Sassy Gay Friend had said before, You need a hobby or an orgasm, stat.

"Alright. Thank you, Mister... sorry... Doctor Stern. After that speech, I think I have made a clear decision. But first, I would like to call Mrs. Morgan on the stand." the judge said. Mom shook a bit, a little shocked. I guess she wasn't prepared or aware she would be on the stand. But, she stood up, smoothed out her floral dress, and was sworn in.

"My son, Jacob, has been through such a tough time, as you can see. He was in a lot of trauma and that unfortunately resulted in the death of the three boys at school. And I think Juvie really did help Jake out with his management problems. And he even told me when I went to visit him if I pleaded for him to go home that he would change. And see a therapist. Now, I'm no doctor, but I really don't think the psych ward is necessary. Thank you." Mom said. Some parts of her speech were uneasy. But overall, I think she did a good job and she truly wants me home.

"Both sides put up a good fight," the judge said, "However, after hearing both arguments, I have to say that Mr. Morgan would be much better off in the psych ward. No expenses will be charged to the family. He will leave tomorrow morning. He can spend one last day at home. Not that I think he's a danger or anything, but I think it can do him some real good. Thank you, have a good day." And he rose and left. Everyone started to file out of the courtroom, but I couldn't find the will to get up. If I get up now, I have to go outside, If I go outside, I gotta go home. If I go home, I'll have to go to sleep. If I go to sleep, I'll have to wake up in the morning.

And if tomorrow comes, it'll ruin my life.
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I'm so in love with this story. I really wish if I gave this idea to like a professional writer or something, they'd make a better story and I'd buy that shizz up!!!

Love you!!
