Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Twenty-Three.

"JAKIE! JAKIE! JAKIE MORGAN! HUG YOUR SISTER!" Kailee yelled as soon as I got out of Mama's car. It had only been about 6-8 weeks since I saw her last, but her face was much more mature. Her hair the color of coffee beans, silky and thick, curtained her heart-shaped face. Her small, button nose was turned upwards just the slightest. Her honey-brown golden eyes were gleaming with life. Her thin, pink, lips were coated with sparkly lip gloss and were molded into a smile. She was smiling for me. She was happy to see me. And she was jumping for joy. Jumping for me.

"Hey, squirt!" I said, jumping out of the car, my arms wide open. She jumped into my arms, her head only coming to my chest bone. I patted her head and rocked her back and forth.

"Jake? You're staying home now, right?" she asked, looking up at me with those eyes. They burned a hole in my heart. I can't tell her I'll be leaving her for who knows how long. I don't want to leave her. I started crying again right then and there. I hid my face in her hair and sobbed. She kept yelling, "Jakie," "Jake, what's wrong?" "Jake, STOP CRYING!" But, it was no use. I couldn't control myself.

"I love you, Kai," I stuttered between sobs. "Never ever forget that, baby girl," I said, smoothening out her hair. I wiped the tears from my face and looked at her. Her face slowly squished up and tears strolled down her flushed pink cheeks.

"You're not staying.." her voice didn't sound like she was asking a question, but announcing a statement. Her arms dropped. She turned her back to me. She slowly went back into the bright beige house without a word. She was obviously disappointed in me. She thought I would prevail and change my ways. She was probably hoping to play with her big brother tomorrow morning. I looked through the window. Mom was already in there, getting her act together so she wouldn't fall apart on her daughter. I'm such a fuck up. Screw what Mom said about loving me. Even if she did, I wasn't doing this family any favors.

Instead of going back into the house for my last night at home, I wandered the streets until I found the local park about a mile away. It had a playground for the little kids with colorful equipment and a big slide. There were swings and see-saws and a metal jungle gym. There was a merry-go-round that probably spun about 10 miles per hour. But, when you're little, it probably feels like you're going 100 miles per hour. The playground was nice, but what really caught my eye was this huge oak tree. The leaves were the most beautiful green and the trunk was big and sturdy. I climbed up the tree until I was about fifteen feet above ground. The view was beautiful. You could see the river flowing about a quarter of a mile from the park. You could see people strolling down the sidewalk in the afternoon breeze, enjoying the afternoon.

"Hi, baby," a familiar voice called from the branch next to me. And sure enough, I looked over and there he was.

"Shaun?" I whispered.

"In the flesh," he smirked. His green eyes had the same gleam in them. His hair was slightly matted, but still black with slightly faded rainbow tips. His bow-shaped lips were pink and full. My Shaun was here.

"Am I hallucinating?" I asked out loud. My heart was racing faster than ever and my palms were rapidly becoming sweaty and sticky.

"No, silly. I'm right here. Aren't you surprised?" he said, grinning.

"Yeah, I am. Because.. you know.. you're dead." I scoffed.

"Honey, you blacked out. Fainted. Remember? I came through. And when I recovered I went to find you. But you went to Juvie?" He pulled out a cigarette. As he lit it, he pulled out another one. "You want one, babe?" he asked.

"Sure. I've been craving these ever since I left for Juvie," I said, taking it. He lit it and put it in my mouth.

"So, what'd you do to get into Juvie?" he said, taking a puff of his cigarette.

"I killed Jasper for you. I avenged you, honey," I said, looking him straight in the eye.

"How?" he asked, looking intrigued.

"Gun. Shot him. Blaine's still alive, though. But, I'm not allowed on school grounds," I chuckled.

"You did that for me?" he asked, his eyes glazing over.

"I'd do it again and again and again, babe. As long as you stay alive," I said, He looked at me and I stared right back at him. He leaned in and so did I. Our faces were about to touch when I heard, "Morgan?"

The voice was from down below. "Hello?" I called from the tree, moving away from Shaun.

"Morgan! Hey! It's Mortan," the voice came again. I looked down to see Kyle, his hair dyed bright orange. His nose pierce. His T-Shirt baggy and jeans tight.

"Kyle! Hi! Have you met my boyfriend..." I trailed off looking at the empty branch next to me.

"You have a boyfriend?" Kyle asked, "There's no one up there with you, buddy." And then it hit me. Of course I was fucking hallucinating. Why would God decide to be nice to be all of a sudden?

"You talking about Shaun, bud?" Kyle asked, concern all over his face. I slowly climbed down the tree with disappointment all over my face.

"I know you must miss him, buddy. You got some place you gotta be now? Why don't you crash at my place?" Kyle said, putting his arm around me.

"Okay," I said, looking at my feet. I don't wanna go home, so why not?

And as we were walking away, there was no sight of Shaun; but a fresh cigarette butt laying on the ground by the tree. It wasn't mine, and it gave me a tiny glimmering bit of hope. Maybe he's still here...
♠ ♠ ♠
Judas Priest! What a change of events!

Hahaha(: How's summmmer for youuu?
