Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Twenty-Six.

My phone must be fucked up. Shaun can't be alive. I pressed Properties and it said Shaun's cell called my phone while I was eating breakfast. Maybe it was his mom or something. I pressed speed dial 2 and ring....ring...ring.....ring......ringgg.....

"Hello, It's Shaun and Jake. We're too busy sucking face to answer the phone, so leave your homophobic message at the beep.." Nope. Got the voicemail again. Maybe I'll leave Kyle a note and go look for Shaun. It's like five to six miles away. And if Shaun is alive, I'll stay there and when Kyle comes back he'll see my note. But what if Shaun isn't there and I show up on Deena's doorstep trying to convince her that her dead son is alive? Or what if on my way there, my mom sees me? This isn't a good idea. But, if I get the chance to run into Shaun's, it's a chance I'm gonna have to take.

I looked around the garage and found a pad and pencil. I scribbled I gotta leave. Emergency. Call me later. xoxo Jake. on the pad and put it on his bed. I rushed out to the front door and yanked it open. The house alarm went off. Wee-oohh wee-ohh wee-oohhh weee-oohhh I panicked! What the hell am I supposed to do! My heart started racing and my brow was getting moist with sweat. Should I run? Try to turn it off? I ran to Sondrine's bedroom and found a remote. Alarm:On I pressed the button and the alarm stopped.

The pounding in my chest subsided and I wiped the sweat off my face. I was out of air, panting. Mostly out of relief. I got to the front door again, which was still open, and closed it behind me. Hopefully, Kyle and his family will never find out their house was broken into. I walked down the street, then another, then another. My street was coming up, and I could see my mom, looking the other way. I dove into Mrs. Muirsack's hedges and peered out. She was still looking for me. She was on the phone. And even from down the street you can tell she's telling.

"You looked everywhere? Well, if you looked everywhere, we would have found by now, wouldn't we? .........You're the god damn police department! You should be able to find a teenage boy around here..... My son has to report to this mental ward at 10 AM! It's nine o clock and I'm gonna be late! It's gonna be a lot harder dropping him off if he isn't here!................ I don't care how many men are looking for him. That's not good enough!........ If he isn't here on my doorstep in twenty minutes, I'll go out and find him myself! Good fucking day to you, sir!" she screamed into the phone before violently snapping it shut.

I crouched down further into the green shrubs. I could hear her heels clomping down the street, calling my name. "Jacob! Jacob! Jacob Morgan, so help me..." she growled. But, I didn't move. Her sound from her shoes were going further off into the distance. I waited a few minutes, and I couldn't hear her at all. I looked out from Mrs. Muirsack's lawn and looked around the coast was clear. I got out of the hedges and made my way down the street as quietly and carefully as possible, making sure nobody was anywhere near me. As I got onto the next street, a police car was coming towards my street. SHIT! I dropped to the ground and looked for somewhere to hide. There were lamp posts, but you can't hide behind a pole. And nothing but pavement. I decided to lie as flat as I could behind the lamp post. Some would call it planking(;

I heard the cop car zoom right past me and turn onto my street. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

I got up and ran. I ran down the road and down the next and the next. I was running out of air, but I kept running. I felt like my heart was gonna give out, but I kept going. More and more police cars cruised down the streets and I would drop low and hide until they vanished. After what seemed like hours, I found myself walking Shaun's street. No police in sight. I found his house easily. I got to the doorstep, knocked on the door, and waited patiently for what seemed like forever.

"Oh, hi, Jake..."
♠ ♠ ♠
A filler.
A Cliffhanger.
