Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Four.

Shaun's been ignoring me. He left my house after our kiss and won't return my calls, texts, or e-mails. It's only been a day, so it's Sunday afternoon. I have had enough. I am gonna march right up to his house and tell him I am very confused and I like him.

I walked the five miles, which took about an hour. It's 3 PM. I marched right up to his doorstep and rung the doorbell. Deena answered.

"Hello, Jacob." she smiled at me.

"Jake, please." I said. "Is Shaun here?"

"Ummm... how do I say this nicely... Shaun doesn't want to talk right now. I'm sorry, sweetie," Deena said, closing the door. I sat on his doorstep for the next half hour before I heard a gasp from Shaun's window. I turned around and there he was, looking out the window. He glared at me for a few seconds before his eyes finally softened. He left the window and I thought he just went back to what he was doing. The front door opened and he sat down next to me. He looked down at the ground.

"I came here to talk to you." I said, looking at him intently.

"About what?" he croaked.

"I am very confused. About everything. Who I am. I think I like you" I said, still looking at him. He turned to me and looked me in the eyes for the first time. His eyeliner was running just a bit and his eyes were kinda puffy.

"You're not gay, hun." he said. He took a pack a cigarettes from his hoodie and lit two up. He handed one to me.

"You're not. At most, MOST, you may potentially be bi." he said, taking a long drag from the cigarette.

"Lemme get this straight: I tell you I like you. I want to be with you. And you're rejecting me because you're denying my sexuality." I said, taking smalls puffs of my cig.

"No. I'm not rejecting you because I know you don't want to be with me." Shaun said.

"I DO! I FUCKING DO! I WANNA BE YOUR BOYFRIEND! I WANNA BE GAY!" I yelled. Shaun scowled and stomped out his cigarette.

"You want to be gay. But, are you?" he said. He was being so ridiculous!

"YES! No attraction to girls. I haven't dated anyone in my whole life because I haven't met you until now!" I said.

"You're my best friend. And I love you, Jake. But, I don't know. I can't lose this friendship we have." Shaun said.

"I love you, Shaun. I want to be with you. I made up my mind. We can't break up, we're perfect for each other," I said, putting my cigarette out.

"What if we do? This has happened to me, Jake! A cute guy befriends you, you fall for him, you go out. It's great! But then, he moves away or you move away or he falls out of love or becomes straight and you're alone." Shaun yelled. He got up and went inside. He slammed the door.

I fucked this up so bad.
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