Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Six.

Technically, I just woke up. But, I don't have the strength to open my eyes. I don't know where I am. Wherever I am smells deathly clean and sterile; it must be a hospital.

Bits and pieces of yesterday are flashing through my mind. I remember Blaine. Blaine and Jasper. Blaine kneed me and I went to ground and blacked out. Jasper was beating up Shaun.


My eyes flutter open and I sit up quickly. My head feels woozy from getting up too fast, but I don't care. I see an IV in my arm, and I try to take it out myself. The nurse sees me do this and bats my hand away from the IV.

"Now, Mr. Morgan, don't play with that. You need this. You lost a lot of blood and have a concussion. You need to..."

"Where's Shaun?" I interrupt her.

"In Intensive Care. He lost a lot more blood then you did." the nurse replied, fixing my bandages and IV. She keeps talking about how bad Shaun was and how bad I was and I was slowing tuning her out. The wall in front of me by the door was glass, so I can see the waiting room. You can hear Dad and Mom's muffled yells,

"If you never started this shit with me last night, he would have been fine and we wouldn't be here!" Dad yelled.

"Yeah, because none of it is ever your fault! I am just a horrible wife and you deserve so much better. Well, fuck you!" Mom yells back.

Kailee sits there covering her ears and finally looks my way. She sees I'm awake and runs into the room.

"Jakie, you okay?" she asks.

"I'm fine," I croak. I hold her hand and point her towards Mom and Dad fighting.

"Don't let them bother you, sweetie. I've come to the conclusion that Mom and Dad are not okay. This isn't normal and chances are that..." I tried to fight back tears and continued, "Mom and Dad won't be together forever."

"Mommy's frog wasn't a handsome prince?" Kailee asked.

"Nope. Just a regular asshole." I smiled. I looked at her intensely and said, "My friend Shaun is in intensive care. I want you to lie... act like you're his cousin, Sarah. Get in there and find out if he's okay for me, kay?"

"That'll be easy!" Kailee said and walked off towards IC.

I sat there, worrying about Shaun, until Deena walked into my room.

"Wow, Jakie, from that fighting out there, you'd think one of THEM is the sick one," Deena chuckled. It was a fake laugh, but it lightened the mood.

"How's Shaun?" I asked, getting to the point.

"Oh, sweetie. You really want to know?"

"I wanna know everything. Please." I pleaded.

She sighed and said, "There was a lot of damage to his head and he's currently in a coma. There is a possibility he will wake up, but they said after a month with him being so young, the chances of him waking up after that are slim." She teared up and wiped her make-up with a tissue.

"When can I see him?" I asked.

"Well, whenever you get out of here, silly." she said. Her phone rang and she said, "I gotta take this, sweetie. Toodles." She sprang off the bed and walked out.

Shaun may never wake up.

I gotta see him now.

The nurse was taking care of someone else on the other side of the room, so I yanked the damn IV out of me and sprinted out of the room, my ass showing from the hospital dress-thing and everything.

I had to see Shaun..
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I had to do one more.

It's still another CliffHanger(:

