Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Seven.

I found the Intensive Care unit easily. My leg hurt like a bitch the whole way. I just hung there by the doorway, staring at the hollow body of Shaun. I saw Kailee by Shaun's hospital bed, soaking in all the nurse's attention. She was telling fake family stories since she was Shaun's cousin, Sarah. I love her.

I looked at Shaun. He was in a deep slumber. Maybe an eternity of slumber.

I can't keep thinking like this. He'll be fine. I know he will be. He has to be.

"Who are you?" one of the nurses ask.

"Jacob... Jake Morgan. I'm here to see Shaun." I said, stepping towards the bed.

"You are supposed to be downstairs in your own room, Mr. Morgan," the nurse said.

"I wanna see my best friend," I retorted, grabbing his hand.

"Mr. Morgan. Go downstairs before you get in trouble."

"God damn it, I wanna see Shaun. He may never wake up. I fucking love this man. Let me fucking talk to him!" I raised my voice. I sat down on the bed by Shaun. He didn't see me. He couldn't see me. I stroked his hair and my hand found its way to his cheek. I pecked his lips and just stared at his beautiful face.

"You dirty homos make me sick," the nurse sneered in disgust.

"Shaun, I wish you were awake to hear this. You'd knock that bitch's teeth out. I know you'll wake up, Shaun. And we'll take down DanBrook's one homophobe at a time." I whispered in his ear. The nurse had had enough and pushed me out of the room and sneered in my face again.

"There will be none of THAT on my god damn shift," the nurse said, scooching me out the door.

I walked downstairs and back in my bed, where the nurse threw a hissy fit for me sneaking out.

"It won't happen again," I lied through my teeth.

"Alright. I'm gonna send your parents in here, okay?" she asked.

"Sure." I shrugged. I looked at my medical record. I had a concussion, I did something to my knee I didn't understand (explains the leg pain), and had severe blood loss. Blah, blah, blah.

I was able to get up this morning. Anything I have can't be that serious.

Mama and Dad walked in the room and talked to me in shushed tones, as if they weren't screaming their heads off five fucking minutes ago.

"Hey, Jakie, you feeling better?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I wanna go home." I said.

"No. One more night at least. I'm not taking any chances," Dad said.

"Whatever," I muttered.

"But, this is a nice place, Jakes," Dad smiled.

"Mhmm," I mumbled.

The rest of the conversation dragged on like this. Meaningless worries and other crap.

They left around six with Kailee, who came down at four with a bouquet of flowers to give to Shaun's family.

I love that girl. She makes my life worth living.

I also love Shaun. I just realized that the first time I said, "I love you," to Shaun, as in meaning i was [in] love with him and not just love him as a friend, was in front of that nurse. I hope he heard me.

I hope he wakes up.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't update yesterday! *Le gasp*

I wrote an update yesterday and despised it. It was choppy and yucky, so I started another one and my computer crashed. So, here you go.