Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Eight.

I've been out of the hospital for a few weeks now, but I visit every single day. I walk to the hospital right after school and Mom picks me up after work. It's April and the weather is lighting up. I walk a mile every day after school to see Shaun. So, I talk to Shaun and do my homework at the hospital for 2-3 every day. It's not bad at all.

Shaun hasn't shown any signs of waking up. Sometimes, when I kiss him good-bye, his heart rate increases slightly, but it goes right back down and back to his even breathing. The nurses say that patients do know what's going on while they're in comas, so it's not unusual. I want him to wake up.

So we can be together.

"Hey, babe," I say as I walk into Shaun's room today. There he is, the way he always is, on the bed with his hair tousled everywhere. I brush the hair out of his eye and kiss him hello. nothing.

"How are you, Jake?" the nurse asked me. Not the homophobic bitch from the first time I saw him. She switched rooms because she couldn't stand our gayness. I like this nurse better. Her name is Daisy and she's so supportive.

"Same as always, Daisy," I sigh. She rubs my back and checks Shaun's machines.

"We're doing everything we can, hun. But, things aren't looking too good." she said. I smiled weakly at her and stroked Shaun's hair.

"How long until the machines go off?" I ask timidly.

"Shaun's mom said she had enough money for them to go until the end of the month." she said.

"But, today's the 20th," I said.

"Ten days is all she can afford. We can't keep them running for free, unfortunately," Daisy sniffed.

"Anyway, I'm getting off my shirt early. I have a family thing. So, be good." Daisy added. She walked out of the room and down the hall. I crawled into bed with Shaun and lied there.

Ten days, and they can't do anything else.

Shaun will die.

He can't die.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 29th

One more day left.
I can't take this.

I rush into the hospital and see Shaun. Unfortunately, he's the same as always. Asleep. Daisy and Deena were putting pigtails in his hair.

It's not like he can enjoy the fun and games, too.

"Hey, Jakie," Daisy smiled weakly. She got up from the bed and patted my back.

"Hi, Daisy. How is he?" I ask, knowing the answer but praying for a miracle.

"Jake, look at him. We have a day and he's not any more different than he was 3 or 4 weeks ago," she said honestly. Deena teared up and blubbered into her son's chest. I walked over and hugged Deena. She was such a nice woman. She didn't deserve to go through this trauma.

Neither did I.

Neither did Shaun.

This wasn't even Shaun's fault. He didn't do anything wrong. Sure, he flirted with that theatre guy. Big fucking deal. He was trying to be happy.

How can someone so beautiful be punished like this?

It's all Jasper and Blaine's fault. Mostly Jasper, in my opinion. Blaine covered me. He didn't do too much damage to Shaun. Jasper was the one who knocked him senseless and leaving him to die behind the gym.

I wouldn't let him get away with this.

"Thanks, sweetie," Deena sniffled. I smiled at her and kissed Shaun hello. It wasn't' just a peck like usual, either. I went full-force against his lips, desperately trying to kiss him to life. No luck.

"Honey, I knew you loved him. This must be hard on you, too." Deena said, caressing my hair.

Me and Deena stayed at the hospital together until my Mom came and picked me up.

Mama said I could skip school tomorrow to be with Shaun. Shaun's last hope at life is tomorrow.

This is why I love my family.

My Mama, at least.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another Update...
Shaun= live???

No clue yet.