Status: One shot!



There was once a girl and her horse. She called her horse Buttermilk, a name she chose when she was five. Her and Buttermilk have been inseparable since then. The girl is sixteen now and still loves her horse. The horse is also sixteen, in human years of course. But there is something odd about this horse. Once Buttermilk grew to be a full sized horse, he never got sick and he never got old. Butter milk stayed the same, a spunky, fun loving horse. His personality matched his owner’s, the girl’s.
As she got older, the more fiery she got. The girl was good tempered, as was her horse, but she loved to show herself, to prove that she was strong.
She spent most of her time with Buttermilk. After school she’d run to the barn and ready her horse. She would ride him till dinner time. Then after she’d go back to the barn and give him treats. She would spend three hours brushing his dark black coat, giving him an apple, and then brush his coat again. She would sometimes take his hooves and clean them until his hooves sparkled and was free of all the mud and guck. Her horse would be clean and dark, sometime the only thing you could see was his green eyes. Then, finally she’d go to her house and go to sleep.
The next morning , the girl woke up and she felt a little different. Like something was going to happen, something big. The girl got dressed and got ready for the day.
It was Saturday and there was no school. The girl headed straight for the barn. But there was something amiss. The girl gasped.
Buttermilk wasn’t in his stall. She ripped the stall door open and almost stepped on something. She looks down and screamed.
It was a boy, around the same age as the girl, sleeping on the stray covered ground. The boy stirred a bit. The girl took a poker that hanging off of a nearby post. She gently poked the boy’s bear shoulder. His hand flew up and swatted away the poker. The girl stepped closer. She got a better look at the boy’s face. His black hair hung in his pale face. The girl gently kicked his knee with her foot. The boy finally woke up. He shot up and looked around. He finally looked at the girl. His green eyes finally met the girl’s. His face lit up and one word fell out of his mouth.

“Who are you?” I ask again.
The boy is just sitting there. He keeps smiling at me with this stupid grin on his face.
“Who in the hell are you?” I scream at him.
The boy looked down and jumped up, suddenly standing. I turn my head.
“And why aren’t you wearing any clothes?” I asked in a strained voice.
I looked at the boy, but made sure to keep my eyes up. He was now looking at himself. His arm was spread out and he kept poking it. He then looked at me.
“I’m human,” He whispered. I barely heard him.
“What?” I ask.
“I’m human! I’m Human!” He jumped. He ran over to me and hugged me.
I flipped out. “Gah! You’re touching me! You’re touching me! You’re touching me! Get off
Get off! Get off!” I screech, pushing him away.
“What? Why can’t I hug you?” He asked, sounding hurt.
“Well, your erm, naked!” I said motion to his….manhood.
He looked down and smirked.
“You know? After ten years of being a horse, I nearly forgot about how this isn’t suppose to be shown. Unless it’s an intimate moment,” He said looking at me in a way that made me blush.
“Stay here!” I say turning to leave the barn.
“Wait! Where are you going?” he asked.
“You need clothes,” I say before running into the house.
I was back in the barn and the boy was fully dressed.
“You said you were a horse?” I started off with.
“Yep. Since I was five,” He said calmly.
“Five? I was five when I got-“
“Buttermilk? Yep. I know,” He said.
I was confused. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
“Buttermilk?” I ask him.
“I’d prefer Brent.”
My eyes widened. Brent held out his arm as if he wanted a hug. I shrank away. His arms dropped and his head hung low. I suddenly felt bad for turning him down. I crawled from my corner into his. I gave him a hug. His arms wrapped around me and he squeezed. I pulled away.
“How?” I ask.
“How what?” He responded with raised eyebrows.
“How did you become a horse?” I ask, more specific this time.
Brent looked at me.
“My parents were very poor,” he started off with “And they were in dept to this gypsey-“ I cut him off.
“Gypsey? How on earth-“ He cut me off this time.
“I was living in New Orleans at the time. Anyways my parents were in dept. They couldn’t pay the gypsey her money. The gypsey said that there was one way to pay the price. Give up their son. My parents-“
“Who in their right mind would sell their son?”I asked cutting him off.
“Would you please stop interrupting me?” Brent asked, in a strained voice “As I was saying, my parents were reluctant and finally said no. The gypsey was angry. To punish my parents she turned me into a horse. She wrote a message to my parents. The message was a riddle:

“Pain and gain
Your suffering has been payed
Only true love
Larger than a family’s
A love that last ten years
Proven strong
The enchantment will break.” Brent finished.

I started blushing. Then silently cursed myself. I have never blushed so much, in one day, over a guy.
I looked a Brent. He had that stupid smile on his face. The kind of smile that says “I know your secret that you don’t even know about”.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask him.
“A love that lasts ten years,” He quoted walking towards me.
“Nuh-uh! I don’t think so! I mean you were my horse!” I exclaimed as he advanced towards me. I walked backwards, soon being trapped into a corner.
“But you still love me. I must repay you in some way,” he said, standing so close. He bent down.
“No!” I said dunking under him.
I ran out of the barn. Brent chased after me. I ran into the large patch of fresh green grass that was a little ways away from the back of the barn. I looked behind me. Brent was running towards me. I shrieked. I kept on running.
Suddenly I was knocked to the ground. I was out of breath and laughing a little. It had turned into a game. I tried wiggling out from underneath him. But he just caught me over and over again. I turned onto my back and looked at Brent. His eyes were sparkling.
“I was once a horse. It’s no use trying to run from me,” he said chuckling. I could feel his hot breath on my face.
He bent down, looking me in the eyes. Finally his lips were on mine. I didn’t pull away. How could I? I didn’t want to. Instead I kissed him back.
I broke away, even more out of breath. I finally broke away from underneath him. I ran a couple of feet away from him.
I smirked at him.
“Bet you can’t catch me!” I said breaking into a sprint.
“Bet you I could!” I heard Brent call from behind me.
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I'm kinda proud of this one. I really like it.
Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors!