Status: Finished! Check out the sequel if you've enjoyed this one.

Lay Down Your Arms; Give Up The Fight

You Said You Could Fly

"She thinks I'm crazy, judgin by the faces that she's making."
The sweet sound of John's voice swept through the tiny garage like a tsunami engulfing a Pacific island. Her eyes widened when she caught her breath and her fingers were white from gripping onto the metal folding chair she sat on with crossed legs.
"I think she's pretty, but pretty's just part of the things she does that amaze me. She calls me sweetheart, and I love it when she wakes me while it's still dark." He shook his brown locks out of his eyes as his fingers death-gripped the microphone and he stared at his feet.
"Wow, he's got a great voice," Shay whispered to her friend Rachel, who happened to be dating the bassist of the band, Garrett.
Rachel insisted that Shay checked out the band; she knew that Shay was a huge fan of music and decided to drag her to one of the practices in the drummer Pat's garage.
"What are they called again? Maine?" asked Shay quietly. "The Maine." replied Rachel, who was smiling ear-to-ear at Gare.
"Alright, I think we're due for a break, guys," yelled Pat, panting and sweating after completing about 15 repeats of I Must Be Dreaming. He reached down for the water bottle next to his drum set and took an enormous gulp before releasing a refreshing gasp and reaching for the white rag to wipe the sweat off of his face. "Hey Rach! How'd you like our new song?"
"Oh, Pat, it's amazing! You guys are doing awesome and I'm so proud of y-" she was cut off by the sudden grab from behind by Garrett.
Shay shook her head as she watched them smile and share googly eyes.
"So, I take it that you're the third wheel?" asked Pat.
"Patrick!" gasped the cute guitarist as his big brown eyes widened and his mouth opened to reveal a slight Madonna's gap.
"I guess you could say that, technically, but out of preference I liked to be called Shay."
"Hi Shay! I'm Pat. You obviously already know Garrett, but this is Kennedy, our guitarist. Our other guitarist is redhead over there, Jared. And finally, the voice to the music is John Cornelius O'Callaghan, might I emphasize this last part, the fifth!"
All three boys smiled and waved in unison. "Hey, Shay."
Shay could already tell that they were all sweethearts. That was, until one of them spoke up.
"Garrett, why do you ALWAYS have to bring Rachel with you everywhere you go? No offense, Rach, but you're not part of the band," spoke John out of frustration and with knitted brows.
"Asshole, let me know when you get a girl at all." spit Garrett as he walked out of the room.
"C'mon, Rach, I think we should go before John has a fit," he said as he walked out the door.
Shay cringed as she heard the door slam shut and listened to it echo through the walls of the garage.
"I guess that's my cue to go. It was awesome meeting you guys! You're all awesome. Let me know when your shows are," Shay crooned.
"Bye Shay! Come back next time and we can all hang out after." said Jared.
"Yeah!" agreed Pat and Kennedy.
Shay waited for a goodbye from John, but he was already gone. She wondered what his issue was.
"Hey Garrett, tell me about John. Why is he such a grump?"
"I'll tell you what, meet me and Rach at Denny's at 9 tomorrow and I'll tell you his sob story."
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think so far? I'm looking forward to hearing comments and suggestions!

This week might be a little busy, but I'll try to update ASAP.
I bet you're excited to hear John's story! Guesses as to what happened?