Status: Finished! Check out the sequel if you've enjoyed this one.

Lay Down Your Arms; Give Up The Fight

There's Something Wrong With Living Life Like This

"John, what the hell just happened!" Shay's face was red with fury as she watched the group brawl, and her eyes widened when she caught sight of the flashing blue and red lights on a Phoenix police car.

John shook his head and ran his hands through his tangled brown hair before taking a deep breath.

"Shay, I don't know. Halvo came, and said something, and Jared hit him, I don't even know, honestly..." John rambled on, apparently stressed out.
He put his hands on her waist as she cried over her ruined wedding.
"It'll be ok, baby. It's still perfect. Don't cry," he said as he wiped the tears from her eyes, "God, Shay! I hate watching you cry."

"I'm sorry, I'm just so... so... upset. Fucking Halvo."

"Excuse me, sir," a rough voice interrupted. The couple looked up from their embrace to see a cop.

"Yes, sir?" John asked, scared to death.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we've had some complaints from the neighborhood about loud noises and apparently a fight has erupted, which we've broken up already. Are you the hosts of this party?"

"Umh, I'm sorry, we had some uninvited guests. I apologize." John stuttered.

"Can I ask you to come with me? I have some questions to ask you."

John raised his eyebrows at Shay and kissed her forehead. "Of course, sir."

How could this perfect wedding end up like this? Shay couldn't believe that Halvo had the nerve to come to her and John's reception and start something like that. It was downright disrespectful.

She sat alone at an empty round table and tried to forget whose party it was.


Kennedy had been nice enough to drive a lonely Shay home, after John had not returned from his police interrogation. It was well after 2 am, and she didn't need to sit alone and mope about it. She now laid in bed, still in her beautiful white dress with her makeup smeared and chipped nails.

She looked up when she heard the door creak. John walked in with bloodshot eyes, also still wearing his suspenders and tux.

"Baby, what happened? Why did that man want to talk to you?" Shay whimpered.

John shook his head. "Sorry it took so long, hon. It was about pressing charges against Eric."

"Did you?"

John shook his head, no. "I couldn't ever do that. No matter how much damaged he's caused, he's always going to be like my brother. I still love him, just deep down inside."

Shay nodded her head. "I understand. I'm proud of you, John. I love you so much, you know that, right?"

John climbed onto the bed and crawled on top of her. He kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. "I can't believe you're mine." He smiled into her neck and began to kiss his way around her.

Shay giggled when his breath tickled her collarbones. She kissed his nose, and she felt his hand on the zipper to her dress.

The breath escaped from her lips as she felt the cold zipper slide down her skin and the brisk air hit her bare skin, exposing a black lacy bra and panties. Her lips met his as her hands fumbled to unclasp the suspenders from his trousers and unbutton his shirt.

After a few minutes of their virgin attempts at undressing each other, they were skin on skin. Her quick short breaths traced his ink stained collarbones and her fingers dug into the flesh on his back. As the pain increased, she bit down on the side of his neck as he kissed whatever part of her he could find.

His grip on her waist tightened and he let out a gasp.
"Shay..." he moaned.

Shay bit down harder and whimpered. She shut her eyes and let a cold breath escape her mouth and hit his skin. She felt chills down her spine when his hands began to rub her back.

It was perfect. She loved John so much and was glad that she had saved her virginity for someone special. They were truly a match made in heaven.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took forever to update! I hope you like this. I know it's short, but now that I'm done with school, I'll be able to update more often.
Let me know how you feel (: