Status: Finished! Check out the sequel if you've enjoyed this one.

Lay Down Your Arms; Give Up The Fight

I'm Gonna Break Down These Walls That I've Built Around Myself

John was out at an interview with the rest of the boys, and he left his iPhone sitting on the counter in case she wanted to play games on it while Shay was alone. Shay thought it was a good opportunity to call Halvo to see what was up. Her fingers danced across the screen until she found 'Eric Halvorsen' in John's contacts. She called him and listened to it ring.

"John?" she heard his breathy voice say.

"Eric? It's me, Shay."

"Oh, hey," he said bluntly.

"I just wanted to, uh, thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it... a lot."

Talk about awkward.

"No, it's all my fault. I took the whole situation out of proportion, you know? That whole thing with the cops at your wedding really set me straight. By the way, I'm really sorry that I pretty much destroyed your entire night."

"Thanks... I want things to go back to the way they were before this mess happened. We both made stupid mistakes."

"Me, too. You were a really good friend, and John, well, John's my best friend. I've been nothing but a douche bag to two awesome people."

"It really means so much to me. Now I think it's my turn to apologize on me and John's behalf for pretty much leading you on. First of all, I took advantage of you in a situation where I was hurt, and then I dumped you the second John came back into the picture. That's not what friends do."

Halvo finally managed a small chuckle. "It's fine. I should have understood. I knew how much John really liked you, and I knew how head over heels you were for him. If anyone took advantage of anyone, it was me of you."

"I'm lucky I have people like you in my life."

"Same to you, Shay. By the way, where are you guys playing tonight? We're on tour too, and we might just be crossing paths."

"Umh, we're in Chicago right now."

"No way! We are, too. I hope the other guys won't get pissed, but would you and John want to go get lunch today?"

"John's at an interview right now, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He should be back any minute."

"Sweet! You're playing at the House of Blues, right? I'll come over soon and I'll meet you by your bus."

"Sounds perfect! Oh, and did you hear the news?"

"Nope, spread the good word, please!"

"Me and John are having a baby!"

Shay could practically hear Eric smiling through the phone.

"Wow, that's awesome! I'm glad I'll get to be a part of this, rather than being a total prick and bashing on you two."

Shay was beaming. It was great to have the old Halvo back.

"Haha, I'm sure it'll love you, Uncle Eric! Well, John's back, so I'll see you in a few, Halvo!"


Shay hung up the phone and John and the rest of the boys bombarded into the bus.

He waltzed over to her and gave her a huge hug while she sat on the couch and kissed her forehead.

"Hey, baby girl!"

"Johnny!" she exclaimed. "Hey, I settled things with Eric over the phone, and I told him that you would be okay with meeting him for lunch in a few. He's on his way over, because they're playing Chico tonight, too."

John raised his eyebrows. He was unsure of this. But then again, he had missed the entire conversation Shay had with Eric, so he had no room to speak.

"Sure," he stated calmly.


The three sat at the table in a Johnny Rocket's, Eric being the awkward third wheel to the married couple.

"So," Halvo said as he took a sip from his Budweiser, "I already told Shay how sorry I was for my ridiculous behavior. I know you don't trust me at all, but I want to gain your friendship back, John."

John nodded as he kept his arm around Shay's shoulder and she leaned over to rest her head on his chest. "Thank you. I already know that you're aware of all the damage you've done, so I'm not even going to bring that up. I'm trusting that your apology is sincere. You will always be my best friend, Halvo, don't ever question that. It's the fact that you hurt me, and more importantly, you hurt Shay. Neither one of us deserved that. I know we made a pretty darn harsh move with you, but it didn't call for all the times that you made her cry. I hope you know that."

Halvo cleared his throat and took another long gulp of his beer. "I know, and I can't even start to explain how awful I feel about it. I've been nothing but an ass to the people I love the most. You two are amazing people, and I really screwed up bad. Can we start over?"

John looked at Shay and nodded his head. She nodded her head in turn.

She giggled and looked at Halvo. "Of course. We need you in our lives, Halvo. You're our best friend and I know I've missed your stupid jokes and mouthbreathing. Let's learn to put the past behind us."

Halvo smiled and held out his two pinkies. John looked at him like he was crazy, but Shay had already interlocked her pinky with his.

"Umh, it's a pinky promise, Johno. Where is your childhood?" Halvo said in his false diva voice.

John smiled and locked pinkies. "Whatever you say!"

Shay giggled and had a goofy grin on her face. "Let's promise to... never hurt each other intentionally again. Promise?"

"Promise," Halvo and John said in unison.

"It's so good to be friends again," John said matter-of-factly. He took another sip of his drink and presumed to eating his cheeseburger.
♠ ♠ ♠
So they are officially settled!
Now, John and Shay are waiting on a baby, which will be a whole new experience.
Any thoughts? I'd love to hear from you!