Status: Finished! Check out the sequel if you've enjoyed this one.

Lay Down Your Arms; Give Up The Fight

Floating Sky HIgh

Clothes were flying around in every direction, and bottles of hygiene products were sailing at full speed at close proximity to Shay's head.
"Shay, we were supposed to leave 30 minutes ago! Come on," John whined.
Shay crammed everything into the tiny suitcase and sat on it so she could zipper it up.
She sighed, "Sorry! I woke up late. But if I forget anything, you're taking me shopping." Her eyebrows raised at him.
"Fine." John said as he picked up the suitcase and started to drag it down the stairs.
"You have to pinky promise!" she yelled from the inside of her bedroom as he walked out of the house.
"Sure. Ok, let's go, Shay!" he absentmindedly yelled back.

Shay let out a sigh as she walked out of the room. She was going to miss it. Her bed was always so comfortable, and she had all her stuffed animals. It was a comfort to her, more or less. Crap! she thought as she grabbed her MacBook and its charger. Good thing she didn't forget that.

The boys were waiting in the bus, moaning and groaning about how they were "off schedule."
Honestly, Garrett's probably mad because he was going to miss the half-off breakfast at Denny's.

"You guys ready? We have to drop Shay off onto Rocket's bus, and then we're headed to the Denny's on the border," said an unknown voice from the driver's seat. It took a few minutes, but through deductive reasoning, Shay realized that it was Tim Kirch, their tour manager.

The bus rolled to a start without waiting for an answer. Shay looked out the window at all the houses. This was the neighborhood she had grown up in her entire life; she closed her eyes when they passed the house. Her mom still lived there, but she hadn't spoken to her in 3 years. When her dad passed away, things went downhill fast.

Before Shay could finish her thought, the bus was stopped and she was gathering her bags to take them onto the other bus. She reached for her suitcase when her hand met the touch of cold skin. She blushed as she looked up at John and let go.
"I got you," he whispered.
She collected the rest of her little things and boarded the bus.

"SHAY!" shouted the boys in unison.

"Oh... it's John..." a brunette said when he saw John follow Shay in.
"Shut it Halvo!" John yelled jokingly at the brunette. He set down the luggage and started to walk out. "Take care of Shay, guys. See you all at Denny's!" He was gone.

"Nick! You didn't tell us she was pretty!" Halvo said. Shay giggled when she saw the redhead blush. "I'm Eric, but people call me Halvo. You already know Nick. Umh, this is Justin Richards. Yep. We're A Rocket to the Moon."

"Hey guys! Umh, where should I, uh, sit?" Shay beckoned, with all her belongings sitting behind her.
"Well, you can sit next to me for now! I'll keep you company." said Halvo, throwing in a wink.
This was going to be a looooong trip, Shay thought. She sighed as she brought her laptop over to sit next to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is short, but this is the introductory part of the road trip!
What do you think John thinks about Shay riding with the boys?
What do you think is going to happen?