Status: Finished! Check out the sequel if you've enjoyed this one.

Lay Down Your Arms; Give Up The Fight

Carolina, You're Too Far.

The stars were out and the lights from the venue shone bright against the pitch black sky.

Shay sat on the curb in the parking lot, waiting for the boys to finish greeting her fans while she neared the end of her Nancy Drew novel. She was captivated by Nancy and Bess when she felt the warmth of a body next to her. A blush crept onto her face as she realized it was John. She didn't know why; he made her so nervous everytime he came near.

"Hey, I snuck away from the kids. They're crazy," he said softly as he shook his head and chuckled lightly.

Shay closed her book after she dog-eared page 145. "Pretty soon you're going to need a body guard. You know, I can do that job for you." Shay giggled as she imagined what it would be like: a 5 foot 1 tiny girl trying to protect a giant.


John shook his head and smiled. For a moment he just stood there. His heart was torn.

He took a deep breath.

"Shay, I need to talk to you about something."

Shay held her breath. It was something about last night; what Halvo was talking about.

She nodded, the suspense building up in her heart.

"Shay, I don't know what people have been telling you. Look, I'm sorry if I've been giving off the wrong impression, but," John paused for a moment to collect his thoughts, "Look, I think we're better off just friends."

Just like that, in less than 5 seconds, the boy she had come to love had taken her heart out and tore it into confetti. The wind got knocked out of her, and she felt like she was going to be sick. She bit her lip, trying to hold the tears into her eyes, and to steady her breath.

"I-I-I get it John. Look, it's kind of chilly out, so I'm going back onto the bus." Shay got up from where she sat and grabbed her book. She walked as far away as she could from John. She pulled her hood over her head and just like that, the tears began to fall.

Her steps sped up faster and faster, until they eventually became a run and evolved into a sprint. The bus.

She finally reached it and she couldn't hold back the tears any longer. She threw her book at the wall and lay face down on her bunk, bawling her eyes out.

Halvo came from the back room, and his eyes widened when he say the tiny body shaking and sobbing. He ran to her side and held her in his arms as she cried.

"Shay, beautiful, what's wrong?"

"He- he-he." She couldn't even sputter out the words between the tears.

Halvo's voice deepened and his arms tensed up around her torso.

"Shay, WHAT did he do?" He was going to beat the shit out of Nick. He knew that Shay liked John, and he shouldn't have put a move on her.

"John told me, he told me he didn't like me like that," Shay spit out.

"John? It was... John?" Halvo couldn't even wrap his mind around what Shay had just told him.

He felt Shay nod her head while it was buried into his chest. Even his heart hurt for her; he couldn't imagine her pain. Why would John lie? He heard John tell Shay he loved her on the phone.

"Why didn't you tell me what he said, Halvo? Why?" Shay's petite frame was shaking uncontrollably, and he tried to sooth her by caressing her back gently.

"Shay, he told you that he loved you on the phone last night. He told you that he wrote Saving Grace for YOU." He shook his head. John. He was going to run him down tomorrow morning. Shay didn't deserve his douchebag move.

The tears came out heavier and harder. How could John even think about hurting someone who would give the world for him? Shay was... perfect. He wasn't even going to lie, he was attracted to her. How couldn't he be? She was beautiful.

The unthinkable happened.
Shay whispered, "Thank you, for being here for me," into his ear tenderly.
She shut her eyes and her lips made her way onto his, and before she knew it, they were interlocked in a passionate kiss. They pulled away, each catching their breath. Shay put her hand to her chest as she realized what she just did.

"Halvo?" she whispered.

He looked at her with wide eyes.

"Did you, did you feel that?" Shay's voice was quiet and breathy.

Halvo gulped as he nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Shay, I think, I think I like you."

"Do you want to go to sleep?" Shay asked feebly.

"Yeah, I'm tired." Halvo had a small smile on his face.

The two fell asleep on Shay's bunk, his arms around her torso and her hands on his.

About an hour later, the rest of the band came back and stared at the two, wondering what happened. They had a LOT to explain.

What the hell is he doing? thought Nick. He knows I like her... And she's practically in love with John. I thought they were a couple?
The string of emotions running through his head were inconsolible.

He went to bed, staring at the celing with the sight of Halvo's arms around Shay replaying in his mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh dang!
That was a surprise, I think!
What do you think John's going to say when he sees them together?
Let me know how you feel about this all, and how do you think it's all going to go down?
Halvo or John?
I want to hear it all (: