Daniel Radcliffe Is in Love With Who?!

Daniel Radcliffe is in love with who?!---We're Wha

Part 1--We're What?!

"Lily, wake up, your going to be late for your last day of school!!!"

You awoke from your peaceful slumber with a smile on your face. Your dream still fresh in your mind. As you went over the events of your dream you realized how odd it was for you to be dreaming of your 'long lost' best friend. You haven't seen him since you guys were seven and 'still knee high to a grasshopper' as your grandfather would say. You slowly rolled out of bed, ignoring the pang in your chest as you remembered your once best friend. You headed over to your bathroom to start your daily routine of preparing for school. After you finished your warm, soothing shower and dressing in your adorable outfit picked out from your closet you walked over to your mirror to fix your hair and makeup. As you began to apply your lipgloss your eyes wondered to the edges of your mirror where you had tons of pictures taped to it. Pictures of you, your friends, your family, your pets, and your favorite celebs. As your eyes glanced amoung the pictures, your eyes suddenly stopped. You smiled as you looked at the younger version of you staring back from the picture. In the picture you were laughing. You had your arm wrapped around a very angry version of the boy from your dream. You missed him dearly. You returned to looking at your 18 year old self in the mirror. You knew you weren't ugly, in fact you were quite gorgeous, but you weren't one of those people who went around calling themselves beautiful all the time. You had shoulder length, strawberry blonde hair, a few freckles spread across your fair skinned face, and amazingly, stunning, green eyes.

"Lily, come on, it's time to go!!"

"Coming Mom." you replied in a sing song voice.

You completed your make up and hair and stared satisfied at your work in your mirror. You put your shoes on and grabbed your jacket and headed for the bus. For the final time.

"Soooo, how pumped are you that this is our last bus ride ever?!" your friend asked excitedly

"I don't know. I'm happy to get away from the homework, and the stinky teachers..."

your friend laughed at this.

"...but I don't know I'm gonna miss the football games, the dances, the loud lunchroom. Aren't you gonna miss any of it, Jess?"

"I wasn't until I started talking to you....Thanks alot." she added the last part with a giggle.

The rest of the bus ride went as normal as any other day other than the heightened excitement from all the seniors on the bus. When the bus stopped at the school you and Jess made your way off the bus and walked towards your small high school for the last time. You knew you would end up crying before the end of the day, you were just overly sensitive like that.

"We're only a few minutes away from the last dismal for you all and I'd just like to say that know matter how much annoyance you guys have filled me with for the past seven years..."

Your band conductor since the sixth grade was giving you all a goodbye speech and you all were close to tears as you listened to the beloved conductor tell you all good bye.

"...I will miss you all dearly, and only wish the best to every single one of you."

The bell rang, it was the last time you would ever hear the dismissal bell and it was making you sad and happy at the same time. You already cleared your locker out so you said goodbye to all your classmates, holding the tears back, and walked out to the parking lot. You climbed into the car with your mom and slowly watched the high school roll out of sight never to be seen by you again.



"Sorry, you just caught me off guard."

"I didn't want to spring it on you this late, but I wanted you to be able to enjoy your final year of school."

"When are we leaving?"


"FRIDAY!, That's only two days away."

"I really am sorry but we have to so I can close the deal on the house."

"Okay, Okay. Uhhh...umm...I'm gonna go call Jess and tell her the news."

"Okay Honey, are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll get over it."

As you walked up to your room, you thought about how you would tell your friend that you were moving...to England in two days.