Not So Invincible


He always told me the same thing over and over again, and after awhile I believed him. I wasn’t sure why I believed him, but I did. Maybe it’s because I trusted him with my life, literally. Or maybe it was because we had fallen in love. I wasn’t sure. In fact, I wasn’t sure of a lot of things anymore. My life was deteriorating, falling apart, crashing around me, whatever you want to call it, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.

Of course, after working for who I did for so long, I should have expected that to happen. I should have known that whenever I found happiness, love, and peace with myself, it would all be torn away from me. For awhile I was convinced that it was pay back for all the horrible things I did, and still to this day I believe that just a little bit, I mean, how can I not?

The bosses name was Jason, Jason King. Seems like a bit of a cocky name to me, considering he’s nowhere near being a King, but never the less that was his name. He believed he was powerful, which he was to an extent. He believed he that he could play with people’s lives and do as he pleased without getting caught, and for a long while, he did. But who was Jason King exactly? Well, Jason King was the biggest drug lord in Southern California. And yes, I said was.

I was fifteen and homeless when Jason found me on the streets after my parents abandoned me one day out of the blue. At the time, I believed he truly wanted to help me, so I let him take me with him, wherever it was he was going. He took me to his large, almost mansion like home. For the first couple of days he fed me, clothed me, and allowed me stay in a guest room. After a week, he offered me a deal, one that I could either take or I could die. I was to be one of his drug dealers, and while doing so; I could stay and live with him while I made some of my own money. Or he could kill me and that would be the end of it, because I already knew way too much about what was going on with him and his business.

I didn’t want to die that young. I had barely lived my life. So I took him up on his offer.

I was given a new name with an I.D. that said I was eighteen, and that is when Van Montgomery was born, and Melissa Pennington disappeared. My hair was dyed from the dirty blonde color I was born with, to dark black, and I was to wear brown colored contacts to change my eye color.

Immediately, I was put into training, and it wasn't the easiest experience to live through. For a month I was trained to fight, to kill, how to deal drugs, and to listen to nobody but Jason. After that I was coded, which meant I was forced to get a small barcode tattooed on my wrist with a number that proved I belonged to Jason.

Then before I knew, I was doing my job. It wasn’t an easy thing to do. I saw many things that no one in their entire life should see. I would see someone die daily, whether they were shot in the head or their throat was slit. I saw everything, and I wasn’t allowed to shield my eyes.

By the time I was actually eighteen, I had brought in tons and tons of money for Jason. And how did he repay me? He decided to give me a partner, a partner that I didn’t want, and a partner that I hated. His name was Matthew Sanders. He was known as one the top five drug dealers for Jason, out of the hundreds that he had.

We were to live together in a small apartment, while we worked with each other. I remember us fighting the most, and I don’t mean some stupid kiddie fights. I mean fighting, as in actually hitting one another and throwing things at each other. It went on for months, but it never disrupted our jobs and how we worked together.

The fighting came to end when Jason sent us on a mission months after we started living together. Our mission was to collect a man who had yet to pay Jason, and to bring him back to Southern California so that Jason could kill him. We had to go all the way to Washington Sate to collect him, and when we got there, things turned for the worse. This man, Mr. Toll, had more security surrounding him than Jason did. Matthew and I, however, had a plan. A very good plan and we were convinced that we could do it and succeed. But, we made a mistake. While sneaking into Mr. Tolls home, we were caught by a security man, who shot at us. I wasn’t sure whom he was aiming for, but I didn’t care. When nothing hit me, I threw myself in front of my partner and took the bullet that was aiming for him. It went through my shoulder blade, and I fell unconscious by the amount of blood that I lost so quickly.

I woke up in a hospital with Matthew by my side. We were back in Southern California, and somehow Matthew had succeeded in collecting Mr. Toll, and bringing him back with us. He never told me how, he just told me trust him, and so I did. And that was the beginning of the end.

After two years of having a secret, hidden relationship, Matthew and I decided we wanted out. We wanted to go away and live a normal life, where we could settle down, get married, start a family, and forget all about our past. Jason, however, didn’t approve. He said that he wasn’t going to allow us to leave the business. He told us that since we were coded, according to the barcodes on our wrists, that we belonged to him for as long as he wanted us. He threatened us and said that if we did leave and disappear, that he would find us someway or another and we would die.

Matthew and I knew that his threat was more than true, but it didn’t matter. Matthew told me that he would rather risk everything to be with me and to live a normal life, then to stay in this business. Because one way or another, something would end up happening in the long run. We could risk everything and leave, and there would be a big chance that Jason would find us and kill us, or we could just stay and end up dead anyways in the long run, because with the how things were going, that was going to be the case.

So we did what we thought was the best for us, and we left everything behind. We traveled across America until we were in New Jersey, where we decided to stay for good in a small town, hoping and praying that Jason didn’t come after us.

“Are you happy here, Van?” Matt asked me as we sat side by side on the beach, watching as the sun went down.

I turned to him with a small smile and I nodded. “I’m happy anywhere as long as I’m with you,” I assured him.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I leaned against him with content. “I love you, Van, and I’m gonna try and protect you with my life. I’ll do anything to make sure you’re safe.”

“I know,” I murmured. “I know you will.”

No can touch us one,” He whispered in my ear.

He would tell me that every day, because to us, it meant that as long as we were together, we were safe and nothing mattered, not even the fact that Jason was after us, and that there was a chance that within weeks or months we could both be dead.