Not So Invincible


“Why are you doing this to me? I haven’t done anything to you!” I shouted as Jason walked towards the small jail cell I was sitting in down in the basement with bars and all.

Jason had found Matthew and I after a year and a half of living in New Jersey together. Matthew and I had been separated, and after a week of being trapped in the small jail cell, I still wasn’t sure where he was. Jason refused to tell me anything about him, and I just didn’t understand why he was keeping us apart.

“You left, Van,” Jason said, running a hand through his dark, black hair. “I warned you. I warned the both of you that if you left then I would find you, and now you’re gonna pay,” He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at me, sending him a sharp glare. “I’ve been working for you since I was fifteen, for almost six years! We just wanted to go and live a normal life, Jason. Do you really think we were gonna tell people about you and all of this drug shit? Because Matt and I wouldn’t do that, and you know it!”

“Van, I specifically told you before you took my offer and got coded, that you were in this for life. You signed over every right to have a normal life and to leave Southern California without my permission. And you know what? I fucking saved you! I gave you a new start. I helped you get off the streets, and I gave you a chance to clean up your life and make money of your own, which you did. Then you and Matt just disappear as if I did nothing for you,” He chuckled. “Well, honey, I hate to break it to you, but that’s not how it works in the business with Jason King. Hell, you’re fucking lucky you’re still breathing right now.”

I folded my arms over my chest and look away at the cement wall. “Just tell me if he’s alive or not, please,” I said, trying my best not to let my voice crack from the flood of overwhelming emotion that hit me like a ton of bricks.

I needed to know if Matt was still alive. He meant everything to me, and I had a right to know if he had been killed or not.

Jason gave me a sinister smirk. “I would say I’m sorry, Van, but of course I’m not,” His deep laugh echoed off the walls. “Matt is gone. You’re never gonna see him again. So, I suggest you forget about him and start getting ready for your new job, because you start soon.”

My lip quivered slightly, but I wasn’t about to cry. He didn’t confirm whether or not Matthew was dead, so I wasn’t about to cry over it and show weakness.

I took a deep breathed, before connecting my eyes with his. “What new job?” I questioned, not understanding what he meant by that.

“You’ll see,” He taunted with a sly smile. “Just be prepared for anything, Van. Be prepared.” Jason then turned away and left the basement, leaving me alone, well not technically alone seeing as there were security guards surrounding me.

I leaned against the cold, cement wall, and sunk down to the ground. I wasn’t sure what new job he was going to make me do, but at that point I didn’t even want to think about it. I just wanted to turn invincible and disappear. Better yet, I just wanted to be with Matthew. I wanted him to hold me in his arms and tell me it was going to be okay because no one could touch us when we were together. But I had to keep in mind that would probably never happen again. In fact, I would be lucky if I ever saw Matt again

I inhaled his scent. He smelt like his cologne with a mix of tobacco from the cigarettes he smoked. It didn’t repulse me though. I loved the way he smelt. When I could smell him, I knew he was close, which meant I was safe for the time being.

“Matt,” His name rolled off my tongue so easily.

He pushed a lock of my black hair out of my face and murmured, “Hm?”

“Do you think we’re finally safe from Jason?” I asked softly as I rested my head against his chest.

It was around midnight, and we had just lied down to go to bed about thirty minutes before, but we could never fall asleep immediately, considering our thoughts never stopped racing.

“I don’t know, baby, I just don’t know. We’ve only been gone for six months, so who knows. I do know one thing, though. Jason won’t give up and you know that as well. He’s got tons and tons of people working for him around the world, and because of that he could easily find us anytime now. So I’m truly not sure yet.”

I just nodded my head and closed my eyes, deciding not to bring up Jason anymore. For the moment we were safe, and I didn’t want to think about what would happen when Jason found us, because I knew it was going to be bad.

I leaned my head back against the cement wall, finally allowing the tears to slip from my eyes. Jason had finally done it. He had finally broken me. Taking Matthew away from me was enough to drive me over the edge. I hadn’t cried in years and years, and yet, there I was, crying my eyes out. I felt weak, and I knew that’s exactly what Jason wanted.