Party in a Mental Hospital


Join a girl on a mini journey in a mental hospital as she brings trouble for herself and her peers. There's nothing like a good laugh to brighten her day just by the slightest. Her fears and problems will be shown little by little as the days go on.

Here is a list of the boys who will accompany her daily:

Brendon Urie a guy with bad mood swings and fears things such as blood, fevers, numbers, high fives and thumbs up.

Frank Iero hear voices, see things and fears the sun, wood, small things, dolls, calenders, and ringtones.

Pete Wentz, skin picker... fears computers, mirrors, books, color purple, looking down and getting dizzy.

Gabe Saporta, hes a random screamer and a random laugher, the things he fears would be plants, dreams, corn on the cob and scared of anything round.

William Beckett, a quiet guy who somewhat fears talking but fully fears paper, dancing, straws, whistling and sitting across from someone.

She also mets a girl name Linda Peterson has the urge inside her of wanting to hurt, kill or anything of that sort along with threatening other's lives... she has a sick personality and loves to joke with everyone.

Let the journey begin.
