Party in a Mental Hospital

Welcome To Our Sick Lives


I placed myself on the couch in this wannabe living room which welcomed any patient on this floor. I put a pillow on my lap covering the disgusting view of my knees. I looked away quickly before I could bring myself into another level of insane and watched as Brendon and Frank quietly place papers around William who was distracted by the TV. It wasn’t that much longer that William came to realize that the two boys were up to no good.

“NO, NO, NO, FUCK.” He freaked out and stood up from his spot on the floor. He brought his arms to his head and tried to shield himself from the view. “GET THOSE AWAY FROM ME!” He yelled in a mad tone.

“Get what away from you Willy?” Brendon played the innocent card and shrugged his shoulders up.

“Yeah, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re fucking crazy.” Frank laughed and held into his sides.

“Papers, their around… all around me… why did you have to do that you fucking assholes?” William gasped and hunched over holding his head still. “They’re so fucking bright!”

I found myself laughing a bit. I couldn’t help it, sometimes seeing someone surrounded by their phobia was amusing. I couldn’t help what I thought was entertainment. I knew it wasn’t long that the two that set up this evil plan would be fighting themselves.

William was pretty much at his breaking point; I got up and pushed the papers away giving him an opening. I brought him to the couch and sat him down; I looked over him as he started twitch and mumble comforting words. I sat down next to William before he could freak out about me sitting in front of him.

“That’s right Beckett, you don’t mess with us.” Frank said feeling rather good about the turn out. He turned to Brendon who was smiling just as wide. He raised his hand, “Come on Urie, give it here.” He said.

Brendon turned and almost instantly his smile faded. “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t give out high fives, you fucking idiot!!” he yelled loudly into Frank’s face. He started at the palm of Frank’s hand and shook his head quickly; his hands clenched his hair on the side as he yelled a string of bad words. “I fucking hate you, you’re so stupid.” He continued on by speaking through his teeth.

Frank looked a bit taken back by the sudden outburst but he should’ve known by now that Brendon feared high fives and had mood swings. He frowned deeply and turned around; he started to walk away leaving Brendon to mumble more nonsense.

“Frank, no… I was kidding!” Brendon said as another mood affected him. “I love you, I’m sorry that won’t happen again Frankie.” He said almost on the verge of tears. “Oh fuck no; you didn’t just walk out of this room Iero!” He yelled the mad mood back and he quickly followed.

I shook my head and looked back to a calmer William, I sighed deeply and pushed the pillow over his lap covering his own set of ugly knees and set my eyes on the floor. “How you feeling Willy?” I asked softly.

“Now that their gone, a bit better.” He said as he started to breathe in and out slowly. “I need to get them back, help me will you?” He asked and forced me to look at him. I quickly nodded and pulled my head out of his hold; I brought my focus on the floor and tried to ignore my knees that were calling out to me.

I jumped at the sudden sound of someone screaming loudly and the loud thump. A body landed in my view, Gabe started to twist and turn, arching his back as his screams increase his face was starting to turn red. I wasn’t entirely use to this even though it happened every damn day. He pulled at his shirt and ended his screaming session in fits of different laughs.

If it wasn’t obvious the place we’re all living in is a mental hospital. I couldn’t tell you the day I was brought here because of my ‘sickness’ and phobias, I don’t really remember. If it was either too long ago or I simply forgot. It didn’t really matter. It wasn’t hard to become friends with some of the people here especially if you can make their day a living hell just by knowing one of their phobias. It was home.

“Will you never get me, Sir Nurses for I am Pete Wentz and there is no bloody way of getting me into that fucking padded room!” Pete almost promised as he ran around the wannabe living room. I smiled lightly; Pete was probably the most different. His arms and most of his body were covered in scabs, it was disgusting but you couldn’t help be friends with him. He picked at his skin all day and half the time he didn’t realize he was doing it.

Pete was just about on his second lap around the room when the male nurses finally caught him. I was guessing that Pete was going overboard with his habit and was to be punished. They pushed him down to the ground as he started to freak out badly, he kicked and jerked around. If anything never force him to look down and force him down without his permission.

“Down by the bay where the watermelons grow, I dare not go back to my home and if I do… MY MOTHER WILL SAY HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A WHALE WITH A POLKA DOT TAIL?!” Pete sang louder as he got pulled away and to his padded room for the rest of the day.

“Gabe, can you please move from being in front of me?” William pleaded and shook slightly.

“No.” He said and shook his head slightly.

“Come on dude, he’s already had shitty day.” I said and patted William’s back.

“Fine,” Gabe groaned and moved in front of me instead. “So what happened?”

“Brendon and Frank put papers around Willy when he wasn’t paying attention.” I explained.

“Those bitches,” Gabe said shocked. “This is war!”

“What’s war?” A voice said that belonged to my roommate, Linda Peterson. “Does this mean that I finally get to have my hands dirty and stain with blood?” She said as a lunatic smile appeared and her pretty face disappeared behind some murder one. She started to laugh evilly.

“I think we lose her, but like I was saying. We should get them…” Gabe started as his fits of laughter started to control him; he fell back and onto his back and continued on with his fit as he twisted and turned once again.

“Fuck, I hate when he laughs he always ruins my mood.” Linda sighed and took the seat on the arm of the couch. I looked up at her and smiled at the pretty face that returned, I looked back at Gabe who was calming down and let out a small scream.

“Sorry about that,” He said and cleared his throat. “We should get them, first with Brendon and then with Frank. And I know exactly how to make Brendon’s poor little soul hit the roof and send him to the padded room.”

“Will there be blood?” Linda asked.

“No,” Gabe answered and shook his head.

“Will there be any kinds of knifes?”


“Will we tie him to his bed and hit him repeatedly and hope for blood?”

“Son of a bitch, there will be no fucking blood Linda, gees.” Gabe snapped and shook his head.

“It was just a few questions; you don’t have to get your man thong in a damn twist.” Linda retorted and got off the couch heading for God knows where.

“In the morning before he wakes, we make our move.” William said with such courage.

With the plan made, it seemed everything will work but what will become of this ‘war’ was out of our hands, they started it we’re only fighting back. Things will become crazy.

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yes, yes, yes, yet another story. i cant help the ideas that come to me and i get the urge to write them out. you should support my sickness by subscribing and commenting, that would surely cure it.... maybe.