Status: Hiatus

I Saw You Run Away

Chapter One

It was hot outside. Extremely hot, Almost in the 100’s and Matt Sanders lay in the middle of his living room floor, the air condition running at the lowest temperature possible, and sweat was still pouring down his body. It trickled down his forehead slowly, and he found himself thinking that it should somehow be against the law for it to ever be this hot, but then again what else would he expect living in California in July. He groaned in annoyance and got up, making his way into the kitchen. He turned the cold water on, waiting for a moment before sticking his head under the faucet and letting the cold water run down his face.

“What the fuck are you doing dude?” A voice that Matt recognized as Zacky, his bed friend and fellow band mate, said from the doorway of his kitchen.

“It’s so fucking hot.” Matt groaned and Zacky laughed.

“What do you expect? Freezing temperature?” Zacky asked sarcastically.

“Fuck you. How’d you get in my house anyways?” Matt asked.

“It’s called a lock. You should use one if you don’t want people walking into your house.” Zacky replied.

Matt lifted his hand, giving Zacky the finger.

“Well that’s not very nice.” Zacky said, returning the hand gesture and following Matt as he walked back into his living room.

“So are you excited?” Zacky asked when the two of them were sat comfortably on the plush sofas in Matt’s living room.

“About what?” Matt asked nonchalantly as he turned on his tv and flipped idly though the channels.

“Did Johnny not tell you?” Zacky asked.

“Obviously not.” Matt said, now turning his attention to his friend.

“We’re leaving on tour in four days.” Zacky said.

“What tour?” Matt asked, now getting interested in what Zacky was saying.

“Dunno, can’t remember what it’s called.” Zacky replied.

“Of course you can’t.” Matt said, rolling his eyes.

“Fuck off. So do you want to know who we’re going to be touring with?” Zacky asked then.

“Sure, enlighten me.” Matt said.

“Bullet for my Valentine. And a bunch of other bands that I don’t remember because I spaced out after Johnny told me that one.” Zacky grinned.

“Awesome.” Matt said. He was excited now. They’d been on break for about three months now, and as much as he liked sitting on his ass at home and not having to do anything, he liked touring even more.

“I know right? Are you excited now?” Zacky asked. Matt was pretty sure he was going to start bouncing up and down any second now, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered how much caffeine or sugar the other man had consumed today.

“Definitely. Those dudes are fucking awesome to tour with.” Matt replied.

“I know right!” Zacky said, and yep, Matt was right. Zacky started bouncing in his seat, a wide grin set firmly on his face.

“Dude, lay off the drugs.” Matt laughed at his friend.

“I can’t help it! I’m excited! I’m so sick of sitting at home doing nothing.” Zacky said.

“You say that now, and three weeks into the tour you’ll be saying ‘I can’t wait for this tour to be over so we can relax.’.” Matt replied.

“Will not.” Zacky said.

“Wanna bet?” Matt challenged.

“No.” Zacky mumbled.

“Exactly. Cause you know I’m right.”

“Fuck off.” Zacky retorted childishly. Well, as childishly as one can when using the word ‘fuck’.

“So when did you say we were leaving?” Matt asked.

“Four days. So start packing motherfucker.” Zacky replied, standing up.

“Leaving so soon?” Matt asked, mocking hurt.

“Yep. You bore me.” Zacky replied making his way toward the front door, which until that moment Matt hadn’t noticed that it was standing open letting out his precious cool air.

“Did you leave the door open when you came in?” Matt asked the other man.

“Yep.” Zacky replied lazily.

“Why the hell would you do that? I have the air on!” Matt complained.

“Go stick your head in the sink. You’ll be fine.” Zacky replied, and with that he was gone, the
front door slamming behind him.

Matt sighed and decided he was going to do just that. He made his way back into the kitchen, and once again stuck his head in the sink, sighing out loud as the cool water poured of his heated skin.

It was then that he realized something. Why was he always the last one to find out when they were going on tour? He was the lead singer dammit! Should he be one of the first ones to know these kinds of things. After a moment more of contemplating the matter, he decided he didn’t give a fuck. All that really matter was that in four days they would be on the road again.
Matt pulled his head out of the sink again for the second time, and sweat immediately started to pool on his brow again, dripping slowly down his skin. He groaned, once again, in annoyance and stalked into the living room and threw himself down on the floor, right next to the air conditioner. He hoped like hell that wherever this tour took them would not be California. It really should be against the law for it to be this hot.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello there! New story! Woo!
This will be a joint story between me (SucksForYou) and Cage the Daiton.
So, tell us what you think of the first chapter.
Don't worry it will get much more interest further on. Oh yes, the two of us have BIG plans for this story. lol
Comments are love. <3