Status: Hiatus

I Saw You Run Away

Chapter 4

I sat up while they guys slept, they were bloody annoying after being around them all day. And the loudest one out of all of them is tiny fuck. He just never seems to shuts his fucking mouth, but I still loved the guys some fucking how.

I was up because I didn't know how to react to being back on tour with A7X. I mean it was a great fucking time but behind the scenes was a different story. A certain lead singer was crushing on me that last tour. I didn't mind it but I should have probably seemed more interested in it then I was.

Something dropped to the floor and brought me out of my thoughts. I saw Tuck coming into the kitchenette. He looked like he only got and hour of sleep. He stopped at the fridge and grabbed a beer then came and sat across from me at the table.

"Yo Padge, buddy, pal, bro why are you still up?" Tuck said as he open his canned and started guzzling the contents down. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him.

"Why are you back up?"

"Had a weird dream." He said once the can was empty.

"How weird was it?" I said somewhat curious.

"To weird to keep sleeping, but I gotta tell you something. I know I'm going to tell you sooner or later so why not now. I kind had a thing for somebody in A7X." He said slowly and kept glancing back to the bunks.

"Oh really who?" I said hoping he wouldn't say Matt.

"Synyster Gates." He said nervously.

"Well your not the only person who had a thing for someone in A7X." I said without looking at him.

"You bastard! Why didn't you tell me?" he said jokingly.

"The same reason you didn't tell me. I couldn't just go around telling you guys that I had a thing for one of them. You shit heads like to talk a lot and loud." I said.

"Well tell me the bloaks name." He said with a huge grin on his face.

"Sanders." I said still not looking at him.

"Holy fuck! You like Sanders?!" He said loudly.

"Shhhhh! Shut the fuck up I don't want the others to know yet." I said trying to calm his happy ass down.

"You know you going to have to tell the guys eventually." He said and stood from the table. I finally looked up at him, he was actually pretty damn handsome but I had my eyes on a different Matt.

"Yeah I know but I'm not ready yet, and the only reason I told you is because you told me about Synyster Gates." I said and watched him walk into the bunks.

"Yeah whatever, you should get your arse some sleep you know we're suppose to be meeting up with them tomorrow?" He said as he climbed back into his bunk. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. I got up and went into my bunk thinking about seeing that dimpled face tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess what I did today?
I made some mango pastries I call it mango biscuits.
And I updated this story.
Hope you enjoy
Comment and subscribe if you already haven't.
Bye! xD
