Status: Hiatus

I Saw You Run Away

Chapter Five

It was almost six in the morning now, and Zacky still hadn’t been able to catch any sleep. When Matt had asked him to ‘help pack the rest of his things’, Zacky should have known that what he really meant was ‘pack all of my shit for me because I haven’t even started it’. So that was what Zacky did. Though he was extremely tired, and very irritated, he packed Matts things for him while Matt sat on his ass on the bed. Occasionally Matt would tell Zacky where something was, or if he wanted to take certain shirts with him or not, but other than that the only sound was the soft scuffle of Zacky’s shoes against the carpet and the quiet flick of Matt’s lighter occasionally.

“So, are you going to tell me what’s on your mind now?” Matt asked, breaking the almost complete silence.

“No.” Zacky replied, automatically knowing that was the wrong thing to say.

“So there is something on your mind then?” Matt pressed, leaning forward a bit on the bed.

“Fuck off.” Zacky replied, folding up a shirt and dropping it into Matt’s suitcase.

“C’mon Zack, I’m your best friend! You can’t just not tell me,” Matt half whined.

“It’s nothing Matt, shut up.” Zacky said, rolling his eyes at his friends childish behavior.

“I know for a fact it’s something.” Matt smirked.

“How?” Zacky asked, looking anywhere but at his friend.

“Because you weren’t asleep when I called you. The only time you’re ever up this late is when something is on your mind. I know you Baker.” Matt replied, smirk still planted firmly on his lips.

“Oh yeah well… your face.” Zacky replied lamely. He knew he would end up telling Matt
eventually, and he wasn’t really sure why he was even still trying to hide it.

“Wow… did you really just say that?” Matt asked, laughing.

“Yes. Yes I did.” Zacky confirmed, throwing the last of Matt’s clothes into his suitcase and zipping it closed.

“Loser.” Matt said, standing up and grabbing his suit case, along with the other three bags that Zacky had packed for him, and leaving the room. Zacky followed him out, shutting the door behind him and he watched Matt disappear into the kitchen. “If you want we can just head over to your house now, that way the guys don’t have to drive all the way out here later.” Matt said.

“Alright, sounds like a plan.” Zack replied. He checked his pockets, making sure his phone and cigarettes were in there before heading out the front door. Matt followed behind him. When they reached the car Matt threw his bags in the back seat and they got in the car.
They reached Zacky’s house in a matter of minutes, and when they were both seated comfortably at the kitchen table Matt started again.

“Tell me.” He said. Zacky sighed.

“Fuck off.” He mumbled, but his heart wasn’t really into it, he knew he was going to tell.

“Spill it Baker.” Matt replied lazily, he knew as well that Zacky was going to tell eventually.

“No.” Zacky said stubbornly then.

“I’ll tell you my secret if you tell me yours.” Matt bargained, and he immediately regretted his words. Unlike Zacky, Matt was good at hiding when something was bothering him, and it took a lot to get him to open his mouth when he didn’t want to, but he knew Zacky wouldn’t leave him alone about it now that he knew there was something up.

“You tell me first.” Zacky said.

“Nope. We both know how this is going to end, so just make it easier on both of us and tell me.” Matt said, lighting a cigarette.

“Ugh, fine. I uh… I might, sorta, maybe have a crush on someone in Bullet.” Zacky mumbled cheeks tinting red from embarrassment.

“Who?!” Matt demanded now extremely interested. Zacky just shook his head.

“So what’s your big secret?” Zacky changed the subject.

“I like Padge.” Matt said nonchalantly. “Now tell me who it is that’s caught your attention.” Matt demanded again, grinning. He didn’t really care if Zacky knew who he liked, he knew his secret was safe.

Zacky mumbled something intelligible and Matt looked at him as if he’d sprouted an arm out of his forehead.

“Okay now could you say that in English please?” Matt laughed at Zacky’s embarrassment.

“Moose.” Zacky said.

“Really?” Matt asked, surprised. He didn’t really see that coming.

“Yeah.” Zacky replied. Trying not to meet his friends eyes. He looked over at the clock on the wall to see that it was now 9:00 am. The rest of the guys wouldn’t be there until at least one to pick them up.

Matt didn’t say anything then, and both men got lost in their own thoughts. Zacky thought about what it would be like to see Moose again, what it would be like to have to spend so much time so close to the other man without being able to act on his feelings. This was going to be a very long tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo! New chapter.
It's a bit shorter than what I would normally write, but I have twelve chapters I have to read for my private security class, so I'm a bit pressed for time.
Anyways, I hope you guys like it.
Comments are love, <3 Let us know how were doing? :)