Status: Hiatus

I Saw You Run Away

Chapter six

I sat on my bunk listening to Matt and Padge talking about who they like in Avenged. I liked somebody too, but I'm just not ready to tell them. I'm afraid they will stop being my brothers because I may be crushing on the person they like.

Zacky was the only one I even like to talked to. I could care less about the rest of the band of the band, all I cared about was Zacky. He was my night in shining armor. You could actually say that I was in love with him.

I maybe be ahead of myself but that's the way I feel when I think of him.

I sat on my bunk and just thought about him. I didn't notice that Matt came back into the bunks and was standing there looking at me. I turned surprised that he was just standing there. He had a concerned look on his face. I don't know if it he was concerned about if I was listening in on their conversation or if I had my on problems.

"Ay mate whats the problem?" I said still surprised of his presence. He didn't respond for a few moments.

"Uh how long have you just been sitting there?" He said then moved towards his bunk which was across from mine.

"Not to long, I had to puke." I lied.

"Oh okay then, but it looks like something is on your mind." He said then laid down in his bunk and faced me.

"I'm just thinking about this tour, I hope it's going to be fun as hell like last time." I laid down on my bunk and mimicked his position.

"Yeah, I hope so to. I mean Avenged knows how to fucking party." He said with a glint in his eye's.

"Yeah I know I remember getting faced with Vengeance last time. I will never do that shit again." I said and thought Zacky. That night I did get faced but other stuff happened in between that time that I wished I could remember.

"Hell yeah, I remember that we didn't see you two for the rest of that night." He said then laughed remembering what happened and how we disappeared.

"Yeah, well I think some more of those nights are coming. I just can't wait for them to get here tomorrow so we can get this started." I said then rolled over so I could lay on my side.

" Yeah I know mate, Ima get me some Z's so i won't be fucked up tomorrow." He said then moved to close his curtain.

He really had no idea what happened that night and neither do I. All I can remember is Zacky leading me to a empty room then everything went black. That must have been a wonderfully blissful night.

If only I could remember it.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah I know it took me a long time but I finally got it out.
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