Status: Just starting out :)


Get Crazy

I set my iPhone down onto the questionable bar top, before grabbing my martini and taking another drink. I shifted my body with extreme care, knowing that one wrong movement could result in either a nip-slip, or showing my lady parts to the whole club. I pulled up the top of the dress ever so slightly, and turned my back to the bar so I could get a better view of the club.

The dance floor was packed, as well as all of the visible booths, and house music was pounding through the speakers. I spotted Nicole at the end of the bar, and decided to have her take me to the VIP section so I could find a spot to sit down in. I grabbed my clutch off of the bar, and dropped my phone in, before wobbling over to Nicole, barely being able to walk in the heels she picked out for me.

“Snooks, will you please take me to the VIP Section real quick?” I asked, practically yelling, into her ear as she waited for her drink, “I need to sit down, these heels are killing me.”

“They aren’t even that high, Andi!” she said grabbing her drink, “But come on, let’s go.”

I thanked her quickly, and grabbed her hand so I wouldn’t lose her short frame in the throngs of people. It took us way longer than necessary to get to the stairs leading up to the lounge, but once we did, she made sure to tell the bouncer that I was allowed full access, before pointing me in the general direction of our personal booth. I found it quickly, considering my brother was currently sat at it, and was excited to finally get off of my feet.

“Having a blast yet, Andria?” he asked as he pulled me into a side hug.

“Oh just loads,” I said setting my clutch onto the table, “I just don’t get why you brought me, and not one of your friends who like these kind of things.”

“I wanted my baby sister to enjoy a real party since she just turned 21,” he said causing me to roll my eyes, “And because I know you love the city, and so I can give you your real present tomorrow.”

“It better not be too over the top Pauly,” I said shooting him a warning glance, “You know how I feel about you spending money on me.”

“I know, but I like to,” he said glancing at his extravagant watch, “Aight, I have to go start setting up, I’ll see you after I’m done, just wait until at least then to leave.”

“Knock em dead, bro,” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek, “And I’ll leave shortly after, I’m pretty tired.”

He just nodded, and got up, before heading off towards the DJ booth. I scooted to the edge of the couch, and grabbed my clutch before standing to head to the bar. I ignored the current DJ as he announced the amount of time until Pauly went on. My neon green wristband, alerting the bartenders that I could have whatever for free, reflected the club lights obnoxiously as I waited to order my drink.

“You should at least smile and pretend like you want to be here,” an unfamiliar voice to my left said, “At least you’re getting free drinks, that’s something to smile about.”

“It would be if I were into drinking a lot,” I said turning to face the mystery man, “I’m only here because my brother drug me, insisting I had to see him DJ at my first 21 and up club.”

“Wait, does that mean you’re Pauly D’s sister?” he asked, his blue eyes widening.

“Andria Delvecchio at your service,” I said with a smile and holding out my hand for him to shake, “And you are?”

“Cameron Leahy, singer for The Downtown Fiction,” he said shaking my hand softly, “I wouldn’t peg you to be related to him, you don’t look like the guidette type.”

“I’m not, at all,” I said with a laugh, “The only thing that’s the same about us is our dark hair and sense of humor.”

He let a soft laugh escape his lips, and I took a moment to take in his looks. His dark brown hair was purposely messy, and the color helped bring out the freckles dotted along his face. His plump, pink lips, moved gracefully over his perfect white teeth as he talked to the bartender, and I couldn’t help but to stare at him.

“Andria, hello?” he said waving a hand in front of my face, “I asked if you wanted this shot, but you’re in your own little world.”

“Oh, sorry,” I said blushing slightly, “And why not, bottoms up my friend.”

Our one shot of tequila, quickly turned into 3, and it was at that moment that I could feel the alcohol taking control of my body. I pulled the lime from my mouth, trying not to gag at the taste left in my mouth, and signaled the bartender over. I ordered a vodka and cranberry, something mellow, and invited Cameron back to the booth. He ordered his own drink, a bottle of beer, and helped my wobbly frame walk back to the table.

“So what exactly brings you to this event, Cameron?” I asked as I sipped on my drink gingerly.

“Well, the guys and I were MTV’s featured video a while back, and when we got an invite to come to this, we decided it could be fun,” he said nursing his beer, “Which it would be if the guys hadn’t ditched me right away for some girls they met.”

“And you couldn’t meet one?” I asked almost shocked, “I mean, look at you. You have those natural good boy looks.”

“Thanks,” he said with a slight blush and laugh, “And I could say the same thing about you. A beautiful girl just hanging out alone when there’s a ton of guys here.”

“Most of these guys don’t even spark an interest in me,” I said shaking my head, “You, on the other hand, do. Your boldness, and disinterest in who my brother was, not to mention your eyes, drew me in instantly. Now, tell me more about yourself.”

“You’re pretty blunt, which is good,” he said with a smile, “And as you know, my name is Cameron Leahy and I sing in a band. I live in Fairfax, Virginia with my parents still since I’m rarely home due to touring. We just finished recording our new album, and head out for tour in the middle of March. Now tell me about you.”

“I’m Andria Delvecchio, but people usually call me Andi,” I said sipping my drink, “I’m going to school to be a teacher for special needs students up in Rhode Island where I live. I’m not too much into going out, and prefer to stay in most nights with a book or movie. I’m boring compared to you.”

“Barely, that’s the stuff I do when I’m home, minus going to school,” he said with a smile.

I smiled back, and our conversation continued to flow almost naturally. I laughed as he told me some of his favorite tour stories, complete with overdramatic gestures, and almost wished I could’ve been there to see some of the things. When it was my turn to tell a story I got a few laughs out of him when I told him about the few days I had spent at the Jersey Shore house the past summer.

“More shots?” I asked as there was a lull in the conversation.

“You read my mind,” he said standing up and offering a hand to me.

I took it and allowed him to help me from my position on the couch. When I got to my feet, I stumbled and fell into his chest causing him to stumble back. My cheeks heated up, still buried in his dress shirt, and it took me a minute to compose myself and look at him. He was looking down at me, a drunken smile plastered onto his face, and I found myself mimicking his facial expressions. I grabbed his wrist and drug him to the bar before telling the bartender we needed 4 shots a piece.

“Here’s to making my night a good one,” I said raising my glass to his.

“And to one I won’t forget,” he said with a wink before clinking the cups and downing the shots.

We followed suit with the last 2 shots, and I had to lean on him to be able to walk back to the booth without breaking my ankle. When we sat back on the plush bench, we were practically on top of each other, and the flirtatious touching and talking spilled from our mouths like vomit.

“What do you say we get out of here, I’m sick of this scene,” I whispered, in what seemed like a seductive voice, into his ear.

“I like the sound of that,” he said as he slowly ran his fingers down my bare arm.

“Let me just tell my brother, and we can go,” I said before standing up, and heading towards the DJ booth.

I found Pauly packing his gear up, and tapped him on the shoulder to gain his attention. He jumped slightly, not expecting me, and I couldn’t help but to burst into a fit of giggles. He eyed me skeptically, and when I finally composed myself I was able to tell him that I was headed back to the hotel. I left out the part of who I was leaving with, to escape a father like scolding, and promised to take a cab instead of walking.

“Here, use this money,” he said pulling some bills out from his wallet, “I’ll see you in the morning, we’ll go at 11 to get your gift.”

“Thanks bro, I’ll see you later,” I said hugging him and kissing his cheek.

I clenched the money tightly in my hand, and stumbled back to where Cameron was still sat. He was just sliding his phone into his pocket, and stood up as he saw me approaching. He grabbed my clutch from the table, and handed it to me as I gave him an appreciative smile. Our fingers became instantly intertwined, and I lead him down the stairs and out of club as fast as I could.

When we were on the curb, he hailed a cab effortlessly, and allowed me in first, before climbing in and rattling off his hotel to the cab driver. I kept my hand on his leg, drawing random patterns, and bit my lip as I watched the city lights fly by the cab windows. When we pulled in front of his hotel, which happened to be the same one I had a room one, I tossed the money at the cab driver, telling him to keep the change. I practically pushed him from the cab, and pulled him towards the revolving doors. We somehow managed to walk through the same slot, and we wove through the lobby and waited for the elevator.

“Is my room okay? I told David to go to Eric's,” he said as we stepped into the small space.

“Yeah, it’s perfect,” I said as I watched him punch his floor number in.

The ride was short, and as soon as the door dinged to signal our arrival, he was pulling me out, while walking backwards. His eyes were filled with lust as he licked over lips, and I bit my lip as it drove me crazy. I shifted from foot to foot as he unlocked his room, and when it was finally opened, I pushed him inside and shut the door behind me. I wrapped my fingers around his suspenders, and used them as leverage to pull his face down to mine. Our lips crashed violently, and he picked me up effortlessly causing me to drop my clutch to the floor.

As our tongues fought for dominance, he walked towards the bed, eventually placing me on it without breaking the kiss. I let my hands move from his suspenders to his hair, and let a moan catch in my throat as he trailed kisses down my jaw onto my neck. I pushed his suspenders down his arms, and started on the buttons of his shirt quickly. While doing this, he kicked his shoes off, and I let mine follow shortly after.

His fingers slid the zipper of my dress down slowly, and I got goosebumps as his skin tickled mine. His shirt was now gone, and his belt was in the process of disappearing as well. As he threw my dress to the side, the halter strap clinking against the hard floors, I pushed his pants down enough for him to kick them off. Once that happened, I let myself get lost in the moment, and enjoy what felt like the most perfect night of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mr.Leahy is my favorite :)
also, I just randomly wanted to make her brother Pauly D, I have a few ideas pertaining to it :)


thoughts?! I'd really appreciate it