Status: Just starting out :)


Thnks Fr Th Mmrs

The next morning I woke up cold, hung-over, and confused about where I was. My face was planted into my pillow, and after a few minutes of fighting off nausea, I finally found the strength to lift my head up to examine my surroundings. I was in a hotel room, very similar to the one I was currently renting, but none of my belongings were on the nightstand. Instead, I saw a notebook, iPod, and other items that were unfamiliar to me.

I let my head flop back to the pillow, and took a few deep breaths, before turning to look at the other side of the bed. Laying in a similar position to mine, was a guy who looked vaguely familiar, still sound asleep. His head was turned in my direction, and his dark brown hair was shot up in every which way. His pink lips were parted, and light snores were escaping them. I bit my lip, not knowing if I should wake him up, before deciding against it, and trying my hardest to get out of bed without him noticing. I was successful, only having him stir once, before I started tiptoeing around the room to find my clothes.

Once I had found everything, I stepped into the bathroom to get dressed, and tried my hardest to make myself presentable. My hair was sticking up everywhere, and ratted in quite a few places. My makeup was smudged everywhere, and mainly not in its original spot. I stole one of the clean washrags from the counter and put some hot water on it, before attempting to get my face clean. With most of it off, I stole his brush, and ran it through my hair quickly, before tying it up with the elastic that was in it from the night before.

I slid my dress on, as well as my undergarments, before picking my shoes up between my fingers. I padded out of the bathroom, and decided it was time to find my clutch. I stood by the door, and scanned the room, with no luck of finding it. I groaned, and started tiptoeing around the small space. As I lifted up his shirt, hoping to find it, I heard Pauly’s ringtone blasting from somewhere by the side of the bed I woke up on. I practically dove towards it, and silenced it, knowing I’d have to face the guy now since we was startled awake.

“I’m sorry, I was just trying to leave,” I said standing up, and looking him in the eyes.

“It’s okay, I had to be up eventually,” he said pulling himself to a sitting position, “And why the rush Andi?”

“My brother wants to get me a birthday present…,” I said pausing for his name.

“Cameron,” he said catching my hint, “I’m guessing you don’t remember last night?”

“Oh, I remember it,” I said shaking my head, “It was amazing, actually. I just figured you’d want me out of your hair quickly. I’m not one for this whole one night stand thing, so I’m just taking it as I go.”

“Well, we’re in the same boat on that one,” he said ruffling his hair, “I know normally I shouldn’t ask for a number, but what do you say?”

I bit my lip in thought, weighing the options if I were to give him my number. I could actually get to know him, considering I did find him highly attractive, and see if we were even compatible. Another part of me thought that it could only end up with me becoming a booty call, something I wasn’t willing to do.

“I think it’d be best for us to go separate ways,” I said finally making a decision, “I bet you’re a great guy, but I don’t think a relationship can actually work after it stems from a one night stand. Plus, if I remember correctly, you live in Virginia, and I’m up in Rhode Island. Perhaps one day we’ll see each other again, but for now, I think we should leave how we are, knowing we both enjoyed last night.”

“You’re probably right,” he said trying to hide the disappointment in his voice, “It was nice meeting you.”

“Likewise,” I said with a smile before heading towards the door.

Luckily, I was in the same hotel that I had a room in, and jogged up a few flights of stairs before reaching my floor. I had just turned the corner that would lead to my room, when I saw a sight that would scare anyone. Pauly was standing outside my door, a hard expression set on his face, obviously waiting for me. I muttered a few choice words under my breathe, before approaching him and waiting for the rampage to start.

“Andria Marie Delvecchio, you have some serious explain to do,” Pauly said in a dangerously low voice.
I merely nodded, not liking seeing him angry, and unlocked my door before walking in. Pauly told me to take a shower and change, and then we would talk. I followed his orders, grabbing clean clothes from my open suitcase, and walking into the bathroom. I made the shower as long as possible, my skin getting pruny by the end, before stepping out and slowly getting dressed. I pulled on a pair of dark jeans, as well as a white camisole, before combing my hair out and putting some spray into in. I put on barely any makeup, feeling too crappy to need any, and took a breath before walking out to face Pauly.

“So where were you?” he said still looking insanely angry, “I never got a text that you made it back, and when I tried calling this morning, you ignored it and sent it to voicemail.”

“I ended up with some guy,” I said in a whisper, not wanting him to hear.

“You did what?” he said angrier than before, “Andria, you know better than to go off and have sex with some guy you just me. You could’ve gotten seriously hurt, and ended up missing. Have you learned nothing from some of the things you’ve seen happen to your friends?”

“I was drunk,” I said standing up for myself, “And you’re one to speak. You’ve slept with way more people than I have.”

“Guys do that,” he said shaking his head, “When a girl does that, it doesn’t look good. Who was this guy anyway?”

“His name was Cameron, and he was in some band that was recently featured on MTV,” I said happy that he was calming down a bit, “I had too many drinks with him, and we both decided to come back to his room. I woke up not long before you called, and only silenced it hoping to slip out without him noticing. He was nice to me when I woke up, and then I came here.”

“Just don’t ever do that again,” he said standing up, “And also, we’re getting you a damn Plan-B before I take you to get your birthday present, I don’t want my little sister knocked up.”

“Okay, fine,” I said pulling on a red hoody and some shoes, “Should we go now?”

He just nodded, and I followed him out of the hotel room, making sure to grab my purse off of the dresser. I shoved my almost dead phone into it, along with my clutch wallet, and dug around for my sunglasses knowing I would need them when we got outside.

Pauly got his car from valet when we got outside, and I hopped into the Cadillac, hoping the ride wouldn’t make me feel sick. Our first stop was at a Duane Reed, where I got my plan-b, as well as some Advil and water, before he started driving towards the outskirts of the city. I closed my eyes behind my glasses, hoping the ride would end soon, and before I knew it Pauly was shaking me awake.

“Didn’t I tell you I didn’t want anything extravagant,” I said as I looked up at the BMW dealership in front of us, “This is pretty fucking extravagant.”

“Oh hush, you’re old car is dying and you know it,” he said throwing his arm around my shoulder, “So I made it my liberty to get you a new one. It’s just waiting to be picked up.”

I skeptically followed him into the dealership, amazed that he had gotten me a brand new BMW, and stood by his side as he conversed with the salesman. The salesman walked into a room behind him, I assumed the vault with the keys was there, and returned soon with a key dangling from his fingers. He passed it over to Pauly, who passed it over to me, and we followed him out of the showroom, and into the lot. He lead us to a purpleish black sedan, and my jaw dropped.

“Happy birthday, Andria,” Pauly said with a smile.

“Pauly, this is just, wow,” I said not knowing what to say, “It’s perfect!”

“Well go on, get in and take her for a drive,” the salesman said smiling at me, “All of the paperwork is done, so I’d like to thank you guys for the purchase, and hope the car works out perfectly.”

I nodded, thanking him as well, before unlocking the car, and sliding into the black leather bucket seat. The interior was fully black, and the dashboard was loaded with the best in car stereo I had ever seen. I turned the key in the ignition, and smiled as the car roared to a start. I told Pauly I’d meet him back at the hotel, and took off, already in love with my new car. I fished my phone out of my purse, and found my best friend Payton’s number at a stop light before calling her.

“You’ll never guess what Pauly got me for my birthday,” I said after she had answered.

“He got you a new car, I helped him pick out the colors,” she said with a laugh, “Isn’t it amazing!?”

“I can’t believe you knew,” I said as I got onto the highway, “And it’s perfect. Now I don’t have to envy you’re BMW.”

“As if your Audi wasn’t awesome enough,” she said with a laugh, “You need to get your butt home though, I miss you!”

“I miss you too,” I said as I got caught in traffic, “I think we leave tomorrow morning, so I’ll be home by the afternoon. I have so much to tell you about this trip.”

“Oh man, I can already tell it involves a boy,” she said causing me to laugh, “I can’t wait to hear about it, and Pauly’s reaction. But, I have to get class, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I bid her goodbye, before getting off the highway, and driving into the city towards the hotel where I wanted to do nothing more than to take a nap.
♠ ♠ ♠
kay, i have this planned out for the next few chapters.

do you like it so far? I'd love feedback :)

Also, if you're a fan of The Summer Set, I have 2 active fics based around them. One is a Stephen one, and one is a Brian one :) Check them out if you'd like :)