Sixteen Candles

Chapter 1

Violet's POV:
Chicago is a really quiet city. I thought to myself as i turned a corner.
The concierge had pointed out a few clubs and resturants i could check out. A few other guests said i was crazy to go outside after dark. My simple and automatic respoce of 'Danger is good for the soul' shut up the nosy people.
I walked another block and felt the atmosphere change. Everything got colder, harsher, like the feeling of being in a haunted house.
The cell phone in my pocket began vibrating, checking the number, i ignored it.
"Hope that wasn't important." I heard from behind me.
"He's used to being ignored." I said back.
"Very harsh, don't you think?" Someone behind me said.
"I'll make it up to him." I brushed.
They looked like the movie definition of Gangsters, a glance at their bottom lips showed the tell tale signs of vampires.
One behind me, another one in front of me, and two more crossing the street towards me.
I tossed my head back and laughed, rolling my eyes.
"Seriously?" I ask, letting my own fangs show as i laugh.
They all stopped dead in their tracks and looked closely atme. After a second, they turned to the one guy in front of me.
"You don't smell completly vampire." He noted.
I was about to roll my eyes again when i caught the smell i had been searching the streets for. Beckett.
The clock tower announced that it was eleven. I was running out of time. I reached out and grabbed the man in front of me, i shoved him into a brick wall and as the others ran to help him i felt a familiar pulse run through my veins.
"Order them to stop." I commanded. As he followed my instructions i tried again. "Take your men and head back home. Stay there until dusk tomorrow. Understand?" As he nodded i released him and looked around at his acomplists. When i was sure they had heard me, and that i had gotten to them, I turned and walked followed the scent of my enemy, and my maker.
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If the chapters are short, its because of the POV's changing