Sixteen Candles

Chapter 2

Commanding the entire group of vampires had taken more than i was ready for. Now i needed to hunt.
My phone rang again, i knew not answering would be bad, but i didn't feel like getting a lecture.
Setting my sights, i drained three vampires. Two of them dusted after the last drop was gone, the last i got halfway through. I knew i couldn't finish but he had to die. I sang my nails into the puncture marks on his neck and pulled, he turned to dusk soon enough.
After i was done, it was about a quarter to midnight. My window was about to vanish.
Looking around, i saw a tall building. I set up and used my vampire strength to get to the top. Inhaling, i found my target. I leapt over three buildings and onto then looked down into the street below me.
Beckett was there, with his two favorite minions and about a dozenother insignificant of his other Dandies. They were surrounding a smaller group. hree humans and a vampire, one of his ownrebelious creations no doubt.
I quickly made up my mind. I didn't have time to feed from them, it would be a waste, but a worthy one. I turned to the side alley and stepped over the side of the building.
I landed as Beckett was talking, so he didn't hear my boots touch the ground.
Two of the closer Dandies heard me and turned to investigate. They went first. I ripped one's head off and shoved the other into a building, crushing his heart with the but of my hand. Neither of them expected it, thus they made no sound.
A few other Dandies noticed when they didn't come back. Another three started my way. Rather than waiting for them i used vampire speed and rushed their way, killing them quickly.
a few others saw them turn to dust.
Those were the next ones to go. In all, i dusted the entire dozen in a span of five minutes.
I didn't stop until the only ones left were Beckett, his second in command, the four they were after, and another Dandy i knew.
Halfway through the massecre, they all noticed what was happening.
One of the humans was holding a sort of net gun. Noticing before the others, he had taken a shot at me. He hadn't caught me, but one of the spikes caught the skin ofmy hand. A few drops of blood hit the ground. The spike didn't hold, and i dissapeared back to the alley.
I tapped into the mind of the rebel vampire. He was watching Beckett but he was also smelling my blood.
Definitly not human.Or vampire.He noted about the smell. Why did it leave Beckett, Urie and Ross?
I wanted to answer him. Tell him to keep his humans in check, but it was dangerous with the other three.
Most of them were thinking the same thing. except that they knew the smell.
I checked to make sure my shoulder was healed. Then i 'jumped' to the building behind him.
He was worried about what everyone else knew.
To tell, or to keep secret?
"Make up you're mind William." I moved to the next building. "I know i'd rather you tell the truth, but then again, i guess Brendon is involved in this too." I moved to the ground, smashing the street light as i did. "What about you Brendon?What do you want to do?"
He didn't get a chance to answer. Ryan started.
"What, Vi, get bored with the politicians?"
I held back a laugh. "Stay out of this Ryan."
"If you wanted him out of this, why didn't you just kill him?" William asked.
"Because unlike you, i like Ryan. He's a good guy."
"How good can a Dandy be?" One of the humans commented.
I laughed. "Interesting, for a human."
He didn't respond, but i noticed that the human with the gun liked the way my laugh sounded.
I raised my eyebrows a little and then decided that none of these hunters would kill me before deciding what or who i am.
Even so, i got into all four of their heads and gave a simple Hold your fire. before moving back onto the building behind them.
It was getting quiet fast, so Brendon noticed the wind rush. He got Beckett's attention and nodded to the building.
"Seems like something out of Catwoman." Ryan noted,
"I thought vampires were up there with bats." I added.
"Last time i checked, 'Bitch' was a dog reference." William snapped.
"Remember, Will, if you aren't nice, i don't have to be."
"You weren't that nice when you were human."
"How would you know, you're interest never left my jugular vein."
Brendon was watcing me. He gave a light growl, just enough for the vampires to hear.
I jumped down and stopped in between the Dandies and the Hunters.
"Go ahead, Urie." I said. "I dare you to try and kill me."
"What are you here for?" He snapped.
I looked between him and William. "HE said that you woul tell me on the two hundred aniversary of my immortalization." The clock struck twelve. "That's right now."
"I have no clue why you would be here." William snapped.
"Don't make my mad William. I was in a good mood up till now."
He took a deep breathe, trying not to loose his temper. "I don't know what Orphious would want me to tell you. I can't help you."
I felt that same pulse and looked up at William. "Are you sure?"
He looked at my eyes and didn't answer.
The vampire behind me stopped whatever he was thinking. As did Brendon and Ryan. The humans just watched.
I focused on Beckett. stepping closer, i reached out and took touched his bottom jaw, running my thumb over his bottom lip, pulling it away to see his fangs.
I grinned, moving the hand down his throat and using my nails to cut into his skin.
As the blood rushed to the top, i felt my fangs pressing down, wanting to pierce and feed. I shook set my hand back onto his jaw and jerked my hand to the side, watching William Beckett's body fall to the ground, eyes still open.
I felt myself being grabbed and a hand gripping my neck harshly. Ryan had grabbed me to keep me from finishing off his maker.