Sixteen Candles

Chapter 6

Violet’s POV

Over exerting my power usually means that I wake up feeling pretty bad. This time was an alltime worse.

What woke me up was the fact that there was someone else in the room. From there, I noticed the sore pain in my neck, and some kind of cold metal on my wrists. Perfect. Wonderful. Awesome.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a bedroom. Not a bad one. Dark, covered windows, cds everywhere, a large stereo on the bookshelf, which held almost no books. A computer in the corner, computer games, more cds, etc.

“Didn’t mean to wake you.” Said a voice the only dark corner of the room.

“I wasn’t sleeping that well anyway.” I said, tugging on the handcuff.

“Sorry for that, it was part of the deal.”

“Yeah the one where you don’t kill me unless I kill someone. I’ve heard of it.”

“Then you should be glad. Brendon looked ready to burn you alive.”

“It’s been tried.” I said. When I noticed him about to ask, I changed the subject. “Will you please get this thing off of my wrist?”

“Can’t. I don’t have the key.”

“Then can you at least give me permission to get our of it.”

“If you aren’t there when Pete wakes up, things won’t be pretty.”

“Who’s Pete?” I asked. Tossing my head back onto the bed. “Is he the one in the coffin?”

“Yeah, that’s him.”

“Wonderful.” It was quiet a second. “You know that even though I can’t see you, that doesn’t mean I can’t hurt you. My powers don’t work like Beckett’s. Sitting over there does you no good.”

He stood up and walked around the bed.

He was a little over five feet, from what I could see. A heavier build-- big boned, I think the term is. He had blonde hair a little lower than his ears. Gray eyes that looked darker under his hat. He was wearing black jeans, a blue t-shirt under a jean jacket.

He stuck his hands in his front pockets. “So . . .”

“You want to know what I am?” I guessed.

He looked confused for a second. “I assume you’re a vampire who is working on a cure.”

I chuckled. “I love being what I am. Which isn’t vampire.”

“Then what are you?”

I laid my head back again. “I’d rather not explain more than once.”

He shrugged. “Do you need anything?”

“I doubt you have anything relatively close to my diet.” I said.

“Pete has animal blood in the fridge, it might not be the same but--”

“I’m not hungry. And besides that I don’t drink human blood. Much less animal.”

He looked confused.

“I’ll explain later.”

“The sun is about to set.” He explained. “Pete should be waking up. You can explain everything then.” And he walked out.

Patrick’s POV

“Hey, where have you been?” Andy asked from the couch.

“You go check on the girl?” Joe asked.

“Yeah.” I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

“That bad?” Andy.

“Have you seen her?” I asked them.
“No, not yet.” Joe answered. “Why?”

“I saw her a little last night.” Andy said. “Not that clearly.”

I nodded, taking a sip from the bottle. “Just wait. It’s like being in the same room with Halle Berry.”

“She’s getting to you man.” Joe said. “It’s just because she’s a vamp. Part of her skill. Like colourful snakes. You just have to resist.”

“Yeah, sure.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Idk if Patrick is really into Halle Berry, she was just the first name to come to mind