Status: Completed.

Happy the Hard Way

Chapter 10

"That wasn’t as bad as i thought" cameron said, when kallel shut her bedroom door, talking about meeting her parents. "but now you have to meet mine, and my friends" he said, kissing her cheek, before laying down on her bed.
Kallel grabbed her camera that she used in photography class and held the camera close to his face, then snapped a picture. "Cam" she said, getting him to look at her and quickly took another picture, hoping to capture that sparkle in his eye. she set her camera back down on her nightstand and sat down next to cameron's feet at the edge of the bed. The Adam’s family was on tv, Kallel was obsessed with watching this show, although it was only on during the halloween season.
Suddenly Cameron stuck his foot up by her nose and said "Hey Kallel, smell my feet!"
"CAMERON! god, that’s disgusting i think I’m going to gag. ew. yeesh" she said, over exaggerating, she leaned to the right to avoid his foot and ended up falling off of her bed.
Cameron jumped off of the bed and swooped Kallel up off of the floor and into his arms. "are you okay?" he asked looking concerned.
"I-I'm just fine" she said laughing, when she noticed cameron still looking concerned she said "Cam, i'm fine, ha-ha. its funny, kallel fell of the bed. laugh okay?" she said, tapping his cheek.
he cracked a smile "i'm not going to laugh at you, are you sure you're okay?" he asked, setting her down on the bed.
"just peachy" Kallel said, sitting up.
"its getting late, I should go" cameron said, walking towards her door.
"but i don’t want you to" Kallel pouted, refusing to get up.
"sorry" he said, half smiling "But whether you get up and walk me to the door, like a good host does, or if you stay there pouting, i'm still leaving" he said. Kallel didn’t move so he walked out and shut her bedroom door. She quickly got up and opened her door only to find him standing there waiting for her "i knew it" he said before kissing her.
Kallel walked down the boardwalk with Colleen. They were meeting cameron and his friends there to ride some rides and eat the deep fried fair food since the fair was up and running. "Nervous?" Coleen teased.
"yes, what if they don’t like me!" she said, trying not to think about it.
"at least you already know Nathan, he probably talked you up to them, they'll for sure like you, there they are" she said, trying not to point at them.
Kallel felt like she was going to throw up, Cameron turned around and saw her, smiling as he said something to his friends then walked toward her. "hi" she said shyly. Cameron gave her a kiss on the forehead and grabbed her hand, kallel immediately felt calm. he gave her a look that said 'ready?' giving her hand a quick squeeze and walked towards his friends.
"Guys, this is Kallel, Kallel this is Michael" he said, refereeing to a guy with short black hair, wearing sunglasses, she recognized him from her math class. "Zach" he said, referring to the guy standing next to Michael who had brown hair and bright blue eyes. "and you already know nathan" he said.
"hi, nice to meet you guys" kallel said waving at them, she noticed colleen standing awkwardly "oh that’s Colleen" she said.
Nathan slung his arm around Coleen's shoulder "yeah, i know her. She pretty weird" he teased. They rode rides and ate some fair food the entire night, Cameron wanted to spend some alone time with her at the fair so they said goodbye to everyone and walked off.
Cameron went to go get corndogs and Kallel sat down at one of the few open tables. she was looking around at all for the lights on the rides and saw a familiar figure. She looked at the guy, dark brown hair, then he turned towards her. she got a look at his face and realized who it was. Logan. Her body tensed up and she felt sick and scared. She tried to look away but she couldn’t. She finally pulled her eyes away and looked around for cameron, she wondered what was taking I’m so long. Logan must have noticed her because he started walking in her direction. Kallel didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t get up and leave, she had cam's phone because he had almost lost it on a ride earlier. She had no idea where he was or how much longer he was going to be gone and she was starting to feel very scared. She started tapping her feet fast against the ground, mentally urging cameron to hurry up. She didn’t want to call nathan or Colleen, they could be on the other side of the fair and it would take them ages to get over here. She looked back at logan and saw he was gone, this made her even more uneasy. 'where is cameron, where’d logan go, hurry up cameron' she kept saying in her head as Logan got closer and closer.
Someone nudged her and she quickly stood up and moved away. It was cameron. She looked around for logan, still feeling uneasy. He gave her a confused look "did I do something wrong?" he asked. Kallel shook her head, still looking around.
"Kallel are you okay? What’s wrong" he asked looking concerned, putting the two corndogs in one hand, rubbing her arm with his other hand.
"Cam" she whispered, sounding scared. "i saw him, i saw logan"
Cameron tensed up, he grabbed her hand and started walking towards the exit. "we're leaving" he said.
"thanks" Kallel murmured. Once in his car they left for her house, they ate their cold corndogs on the way home. "I'm sorry" she said, glancing over at cameron.
"don’t be, its not your fault. how are you doing?" he asked, putting a hand on her knee.
"I’m fine" she said, giving him her best reassuring smile, although he still seemed unsure.
Cameron was sitting on a beach chair, Kallel on his lap, his arms tightly around her, looking up at the sky in Kallel’s backyard. "does he scare you?" cameron asked quietly.
Kallel sighed, messing with the blanket that was covering them "i guess, a little. he did today when i was alone" she said "the thing that freaks me out the most is that he might come after me again." after a long pause she asked "so do your friends like me?"
"well" he hesitated "they do infact like you" he said laughing.
Kallel smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It got quiet again, neither of them saying a word. Kallel closed her eyes and listened to Cameron's steady breathing and drifted off to sleep
"Kallel" he said quietly
"hmm" she said, only halfway awake.
He lightly brushed his hand on the back of her head "I love you" he whispered, kissing her forehead.
Kallel smiled a little, her eyes still closed "okay" she said quietly.
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I definitely keep forgetting to post new chapters! haha, let me know what you think!