Status: Completed.

Happy the Hard Way

Chapter 23

Kallel had that feeling that someone was watching her, so she sat up and opened her eyes and saw cameron sitting in a chair across the room.
“I-I‘m sorry, I‘ll leave I just wanted to apologize for my behavior last night, its not fair to you for me to tell you not to see mark. And I‘m sorry for calling you messed up. I know you hate me, so just save me some heartbreak and this time when you breakup with me, keep that necklace.” He said, moving towards her sitting on the side of her bed. “just know I‘m really sorry for calling you messed up, I‘m such an idiot. I just. Ergh! I always blow it. I love you, you hate me. I guess that’s how its supposed to end-”
Kallel cut him off by grabbing his face in her hands and kissing him. “I don’t want to fight, I don’t hate you, I don’t want to break up. I love you cameron, you‘re right, I am messed up, but I should be with all that‘s happened to me” she said then kissed him again.
When they finally pulled apart Kallel slowly opened her eyes and saw Cameron’s green one’s staring back at her. “I love you Cam” she said. That same sparkle appeared in his eyes and it made Kallel feel like her head filled with air.
Cameron pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist then kissed her temple. He cracked a smile “I‘m glad you don’t hate me. If you did, I‘d probably end up in that room right next to you.”
Kallel smiled “so, how are things outside of this place?” she asked.
“Terrible without you. School sucks. The guys say hi, even though you don’t really know them.” Cameron said, lifting Kallel off his lap and setting her on the bed. He walked across the room and picked up a box. “I brought you some stuff, Zach wanted me to give you Swedish Fish for him, Nathan sent some CD‘s he thinks you might like and Michael….well, Mike brought you a picture of himself. He said it will brighten your day.”
“Tell them all thanks” she said, looking through the CD’s Nathan picked out.
“As for me, I though you hated my guts so I stuck with flowers, that usually works, right? Oh, and I brought myself I guess.” Cameron said, handing her 5 red roses.
“Thanks Cam.” she said, putting them on her nightstand. “I‘m sorry, but I have to go to a group therapy session in 5 minutes, they usually last about an hour…sometimes more. So its fine if you leave. You‘ll be bored here”
“I‘ll see you later then” he said, giving her a kiss then left.
Two hours later, after the group session, Kallel walked back into her room to find cameron sitting on a chair reading a book. He glanced up and saw her. “hi….” Kallel said, giving him a confused smile. “I thought you left?”
“I did, but I‘m back because I have a surprise for you.” He said, standing up. He grabbed her hand and led her out of her room, down the hall and outside. “I was thinking you could eat dinner with me tonight. On campus of course.”
“okay, what did you have in…mind.” She said, drifting off and getting quiet at the end when she saw what was in front of her.
Kallel saw a blanket and a basket layed out on the grass. “aw Cam, its cute and perfect” she said, giving him a peck on the cheek then ran over and sat on the blanket.
“I cant cook, like at all, so I hope peanut butter and jelly, some chips, fruit and juice, is okay with you” he said, unpacking the basket.
“To be honest, I‘ve never had this done for me before. It‘s cute, I like it.” she said, giving him a smile.
“That makes the two of us then” he said with a smile.
They ate their sandwiches and talked. “The very first person you had a crush on?” Kallel asked him, taking a bite of a strawberry.
“What, I‘m not sure I can remember, that was like forever ago!” he said, pondering her question.
“How can you not remember your very first crush, that one person that made you all giddy?”
“okay, what‘s yours then miss Kallel?” he said, bumping her with his shoulder.
“Easy, Jimmy Martin. First grade. He had blonde hair and his two front teeth were missing. He wore this Nike jersey all the time. Pretty much once every week. He put gum in my hair once.” she said, smiling. She couldn’t help but laugh. “I just remember walking into class, wishing my cubby was next to his. I‘d leave little hearts made out of paper in his cubby. I‘d get all happy when he would look at me or ask me to play with him. There was this one time, he made me push him on the swing and I wasn’t paying attention and he whacked right into me, knocking me onto the ground. I started balling my eyes out and he helped me up and asked me if I was okay. He said my name really funny too. It was like Kuhnnelel. It was cute. Anyway he helped me up and he pulled me under the slide and kissed me. It was the best day of my life. You know? Having that one person you like kiss you. Even if I was in first grade and it didn’t mean anything. He still did it. And I just cant help but smile when I think about it.”
Cameron sat there and looked at her. “Wow. And what happened to Jimmy?”
“He switched schools at the end of 1st grade.” she said, taking a bite of another strawberry.
“lets see, mine would have been my cousin Tricia‘s best friend Rene. She would rub her hand in my hair messing it up, she called me cute all the time. I thought that meant she liked me so I would pick flowers for her and write her notes or draw her a picture and have Tricia give them to her. Then one day Tricia took me to the fair with her and we saw Rene, she was with some other guy and they were holding hands and laughing. I ran into the boys bathroom and Rene‘s boyfriend had to come talk to me to get me to come out.” he said, his smile fading as he ended his story “it was just a stupid crush though. She probably laughed at my letters and pictures. Probably threw my flowers in the trash too.” He looked up at Kallel and smiled. “you don’t throw my flowers in the trash do you?”
“Was I not supposed to?” she teased him, getting up and running away.
Cameron had fast reflexes and quickly got up and chased after her. Seconds later he caught up with her, Kallel looked back at him and started laughing. He wrapped his arms around her waist then slung her over his shoulder and ran back to their picnic. He laid her down on her back, he was leaning on his hands that were on either side of her. Kallel looked into his green eyes, it was quiet and their breathing was slowing. Cameron slowly leaned down and kissed her, he lowered his body onto her’s; careful not to let his full body weight on her. Kallel was so hypnotized by him the only thing she could do was kiss him back, she couldn’t figure out how to move or think. They kissed, and kissed, and kissed. Then Cameron’s phone started ringing.
He sighed and got off of her, sitting up “Michael can‘t this wait, I‘m with Kallel?” he said, out of breath. Kallel sat up, resting her arms on her knees.
“I suppose…why are you out of breath- OH!” Michael said into the phone “NATHAN! CAMERON AND KALLEL ARE TOTALLY MAKING OUT!!!” He called out, covering the speaker.
Cameron’s eyes got big, really big, when he noticed the phone was on speaker phone.
Kallel started laughing. Cameron fumbled with the phone trying to get it off of speaker phone, his face turning red.
“Cameron, you sneaky boy. You said you were taking that basket to your grandma. You little liar.” he said laughing, the phone still on speaker “Cameron, Cameron, Cameron. Tell her, tell her! You said she was a good kisser so tell her!!” Cameron’s face got even redder.
“Michael!” he scolded, finally getting the phone off of speaker. “yes, I gave her the picture of you. Okay, okay I‘ll tell her. I‘m hanging up now. No. Goodbye Michael!” he said hanging up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi there!
I went to the art festival today with my mother and we walked past a concert stage and some 50 year old guy was standing there jamming out; I thought it was funny haha!

So I found out Allstar Weekend is playing at the fair here this August! The manager of the fair is a family friend, and he helps pick the bands that play, so I mentioned Allstar Weekend to him and I guess he took my suggestion! So I'll be seeing them for the 3rd time this august! (:

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Special thank you to VegasJonasLuver for her lovely comments. (: