Status: Completed.

Happy the Hard Way

Chapter 27

Suddenly Kallel woke up, sitting straight up, she looked around the pitch black room, the glow from the clock got her attention, 3:20am. What was she doing? She was 18 and pretty much ran away with her boyfriend….of what? 3 months? Sure she’d known Cameron for more than 6 months but still…she told her parents she would be in LA…complete lie. Kallel tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t, thoughts about what she did raced through her head. It felt like the room kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller. She got out of bed, threw a pair of sweatpants on and grabbed a sweatshirt, she put her hair up in a messy bun, grabbed the room key and silently left the room.
She had no idea where she was going, she got in the elevator and went down to the first floor. Lucky for her they had a lounge that was open so she walked in, grabbed some hot chocolate and sat down at an empty table. She sighed and took a drink of the watery hot chocolate, I guess that’s what you get when its free, “I take it you can‘t sleep either?” a voice said from behind her.
Kallel quickly turned around, startled by the voice. She felt relieved when she saw it was a girl about her age.
Kallel shook her head “nope, I‘ve got a lot on my mind.” she said.
The girl got up and took the chair across from Kallel, “I‘m Rebecca. I‘m such a night owl, I‘m not a creep or anything” she said smiling.
“I‘m Kallel…I‘m sometimes a night owl and I‘m not a creep either.”
“so are you from around here?” Rebecca asked
Kallel shook her head “no, California.”
“California!? Why on earth would you want to come here then?”
“Just to get away from some things back home. I‘m here with my boyfriend.” Kallel said, taking a sip of the now, half empty cup of hot chocolate.
“Well, not to be rude, but you look like this trip isn’t helping…”
“yeah, I told my parents I was going to LA. I have a friend that lives there. But instead I‘m here. Let‘s just say its been freaking me out a bit” Kallel said, pushing her hot chocolate away from her.
“ah, so you ran away, I‘ve done that. I felt the same way, but then you think, who hasn’t done this? I bet your parents did it once. Besides, your friend in LA knows where you are so he‘ll contact you if your parents call him. Its all good, just have fun while you‘re here” Rebecca said, standing up. “its 4am, that’s my bedtime. Have fun” she said then walked off.
Kallel sat there for a few more minutes then headed back up to the room. She closed the door quietly and set the room key back on the table.
This time she climbed into bed next to Cameron…make that a shirtless Cameron. His eyes fluttered open then a smile spread across his face. He pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a quick kiss and whispered I love you then fell back to sleep.

Kallel woke up to cameron trying to quietly get out of bed. “hey” she whined, grabbing his arm.
Cameron turned around “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up” he said
Kallel pulled on his arm making him lay back down “Good morning handsome” she said, laying her head on his chest.
Cameron kissed the top of her head “how did you sleep?”
“fantastic, you mumble, like a lot when you sleep though” she teased.
“at least I don’t snore…” he joked
Kallel sat up and hit him with a pillow “Cameron Quiseng I do not snore, I know that for a fact!”
“Ow!” he whined “that’s it, game on” he picked Kallel up and carried her to the bathroom. He turned the shower then winked at her.
“Cameron, don’t you dare walk in that shower with me.” she said sternly.
“What? I‘m sorry I can‘t hear you, the water is too loud” he said loudly then walked in with Kallel in his arms. “Like I said, payback” he whispered in her ear then set her down.
Kallel looked down at her now soaked self, this was the only pair of pajama‘s she brought “I can’t believe you just did that…”
“Neither can I. But I did.” he said then leaned down and kissed her. Kallel wanted to be mad at him but she couldn’t, not when he was kissing her. So she caved and kissed him back, it was somewhat like kissing in the rain; but then again it was completely different. Cameron pulled back and shut the water off.
Cameron smiled “sorry I made you get all wet” he said, resting his forehead against hers.
“I forgive you, but that was the worst payback ever, you got yourself wet too” she noted, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
“No, I don’t mind it, I shower with my clothes on” he said, after it escaped he mouth he had this expression on his face that said ‘you idiot why did you just say that?’
Kallel laughed “you do?”
Cameron nodded “Yeah…sure. I shower with my clothes on” he said, again that same look appearing on his face.
“You‘re weird, you know that?” she informed him, leaning in to give him another kiss.
Cameron moved his head away from hers “You think I‘m weird?” he asked, trying to act upset.
“I don’t think you‘re weird, I know you‘re weird”
Cameron rolled his eyes and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Kallel. “I‘ll let you change in the bathroom, I‘ll change out there” he said, giving her a peck on the lips then walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
Kallel quickly got ready, in record time too, she opened the bathroom door and walked out but there was no sign on cameron.
“Cam?” she called out. No response. She was about to open the door to the hallway when she heard his voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy 4th to everyone! Since I found a few minutes out of my busy day to post this comments would be nice...hint hint! (;

I just decided to go see Ryan Cabrera this Wednesday, I'm excited!! Last minute concert decision. :)

We're just cool kids living like the good times never end~

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