Status: Completed.

Happy the Hard Way

Chapter 5

a little uneasy, kallel nodded and took it from him, taking it in and immediately coughing.
"first time's a charm" logan said laughing.
Kallel wasn’t sure how long they spent on the beach, but after, what seemed like an hour, they walked back to his car. Once inside it was quiet. Logan lightly placed his hand on the left side of her face and moved closer to her. Slowly their lips collided, his breath tasting smoky and sweet from the joint. His lips were soft, his kisses sweet, sending fire through her veins. His lips slowly making their way from her lips, down her jaw bone then moving onto her neck, then slowly back up to her lips. He pulled back giving her a sweet smile "we should probably go" he said, placing his hand on her knee and keeping it there the rest of the ride back to school.
The rest of the day was a haze, she remembers Colleen asking her if she was alright, all kallel could do was smile and nod. Logan was waiting at her locker at the end of school and drove her home. "thanks for the ride" she smiled, leaning over and giving him a kiss.
"see you tomorrow" he said, then backed out of her driveway.
"who was that?" a voice said.
Shocked Kallel spun around and saw Nathan getting out of his car and walking over towards her. "i thought everyone knew everyone in small towns" she said smiling.
"nope" nathan said
"it was logan, Logan McCarthy." she said
"i know him, not personally but I’ve seen him around" he said.
Kallel had to pick her sister, Elizabeth, up from school that day so she hopped in her Ford Escape and headed towards the local elementary school. she walked into the gym, where the after school program was held and ran right into Cameron.
"Oh hey!" he said, smiling at her.
"yeah, hi." she said looking around for her sister
"who are you looking for?" he asked
"my sister, Elizabeth" kallel said
"Wait, your sister is Elizabeth, THEE Elizabeth Clancy?" he asked, a shocked look on his face
Kallel nodded "yes?"
"she's the master at perfection! she's beaten me 10 times" he said, before cupping his hands around his mouth and yelling "Elizabeth." Elizabeth glanced up and waved, grabbing her small Cinderella back pack she got up and ran towards them
"wait, so why are you here" kallel asked
"work." he said, smiling. 'does he ever stop smiling?' she wondered to herself.
"Kallel!" elizabeth said running over to her sister.
"Hi Beth! ready to go?" she asked grabbing her hand and walking out the door
Elizabeth stopped "bye Cammy!" she said, waving.
"see you tomorrow Bethy" he called after her, that same smile on his face.
the whole rest of the week Logan was at her locker before and after school, giving her rides home. I guess you could say they were together, an 'item' if you will, but not technically dating. Holding hands in the hallway, occasionally skipping classes, and the kissing that went on everyday. Colleen had become her good friend, best friend you could say, and kallel had learned nathan really wasn’t that bad. And cameron wouldn’t stop talking to her, Colleen kept telling kallel that he had the biggest crush on her.
It had been 2 months since school started, it was October and Kallel just got dropped off at her house from logan. Shortly after nathan pulled into his driveway.
"you always beat me" he said, getting out of his car.
Kallel stuck her tongue out "I'm the best."
"so party Friday? are you coming or not? don’t worry there’s not going to be parents. yours wont be home either, my mom told me they were going out to eat with each other."
"let me get this straight, a party, on friday, with no parents. that doesn’t seem like your good guy image " she joked "i'll be there."
It was the night of Nathan's party. Logan was coming over and they were heading over to the party together. Elizabeth was at their grandparents, that was one good thing about moving to Poway. Kallel had just finished getting ready, wearing a bright green V-neck and a pair of jean shorts, when the doorbell rang. she opened the door, knowing it was logan.
he smiled "hey" he said walking into the house and shutting the door behind him.
"you're early" she noted, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"your parents aren’t home, are they?” he asked.
"nope, why?" she asked, laughing a little to herself
"well...." he drug out "i don’t want them to walk in when i'm kissing you" he said before planting his lips on hers. Kallel smiled and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck, and then there was a knock on the door. they separated and kallel went to open the door. "Oh hey" she smiled when she saw Colleen standing there.
"Hi! you will not believe what just happened" she said barging in "oh hey logan, anyway i just saw like 5 freaking Hummers on the way here. It pissed me off. Like seriously? those are gas guzzlers and ruin the environment! i wanted to throw and egg at them, but i didn’t have any" she said plopping down on a couch in the living room, turning on the TV.
Logan rolled his eyes "Yeah i saw that eye roll" colleen said, throwing a pillow at him. After 30 minutes of tv they decided to head over to nathan's. Colleen ran over leaving Kallel and logan on the porch alone.
"she’s exited" he noted, grabbing Kallel's hand. They walked into Nathan's house which was already packed and came face to face with Cameron.
"oh hey!" he said smiling at kallel, he noticed her hand interlocked with Logans and his smile fell a little.
"hi" she smiled, trying to be polite.
"uhm, i'll see you later" he said running off.
"loser" logan said chuckling to himself.
Halfway through the party Kallel was sitting on a couch, in the basement, watching random people play rock band. she had no idea where Logan went. Nathan plopped down next to her.
"where’s Logan?" he asked
"you tell me" she sighed. her eyes fixed on the TV
"Hey CQ!" he yelled over his shoulder, then turned back to Kallel "i know someone you can talk to, just a second" nathan said as cameron walked over
"hey kallel" cameron said, sitting down next to her.
"wait, you two know each other?" nathan asked
kallel nodded "we have like 2 classes together" she said picking at the nail polish on her nail after nathan walked away.
"soooo......" cameron said awkwardly, sitting down next to her. "i know you don’t like me, but its not very polite to ignore people" he noted when she didn’t respond, just as logan appeared, a red cup in his hand. Kallel stood up and walked towards him. Logan said he wanted to leave and grabbed Kallel's hand bringing her with him.
Everyone was inside, and that’s when it happened.
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