Status: Completed.

Happy the Hard Way

Chapter 8

"Mom, dad. Can i talk to you?" she asked after dinner later that day, nathan was sitting next to her at their dining room table, who stayed for dinner.
They nodded and sat down. Elizabeth was at the park with cameron who had also stayed for dinner, and that’s when she told them. Told them about Logan, what he did, how many times, when, where. Everything. She could see their hearts breaking through their eyes, her mom was sobbing uncontrollably. "But I'm okay. I'm going to drop the class so i wont be in the same room as him." she said. later that night her dad called the police to file a report against Logan, and they would investigate it, Kallel most likely having to testify against him in court, which she was willing to do.
Cameron came in the door a few minutes later, Elizabeth asleep in his arms. "she fell asleep on the way home" he said quietly when he walked into the kitchen. Kallel's dad looked at her, "does he know?" he asked referring to Cameron, kallel nodded. her dad took elizabeth from Cameron and carried her upstairs. "i should go" Cameron said
"right behind you" nathan said standing up. Kallel walked them to the door, she watched them walk towards Nathans house.
"Cameron" she said, when he was a few feet away from her. He turned around, and walked back towards her.
"thank you" she said "really, really, thank you, if you wouldn’t have been there...." she said drifting off at the end.
"its no problem, i'm glad i was there" he said, then turned back around.
Kallel grabbed his hand "Cam" she whispered, pulling him back to her. He turned around and smiled at the sound of his new nickname. Kallel wrapped her arms around his neck and planted her lips on his.
the next day at school Kallel went into the counseling office and notified her counselor she was dropping Journalism, and wanted to take photography instead. Once that was all figured out she headed to math class and sat in her usual spot, once again, cameron sliding into the classroom just as the bell rang.
"hey" he smiled sitting down next to her.
Kallel, for once smiled back a non-forced smile. "Hi" she said, suddenly feeling nervous. She was wearing long sleeves, she held the sleeves in her hands, not wanting them to expose any bruises.
Cameron noticed and said "you're beautiful" so quietly she almost didn’t hear him.
After class she didn’t mind that cameron walked to her locker with her, or to their next class, today she actually sat by him in Literature. He looked surprised when she sat down next to him.
he turned to her and said "I know you're not that fond of me, and i get that you would feel like you had to be nice to me because of what i did, but you don’t, seriously"
she shook her head "you're not that bad" she said teasing him "this is coming from the heart, i truly want to be around you" she said, looking into his green eyes. She'd seen green eyes but not like his before, his were unique, she liked that about him.
She linked her fingers through his when they were walking through the hall. She thought it was cute how awkward he was around her. They stopped at her locker, cameron leaning against the one next to hers, he started swinging their hands from side to side, then stood up so he wasn’t leaning against the locker.
"K-Kallel?" he said, half asking, sounding nervous
"hmm" she mumbled, putting her books into her locker
"I was wondering if you....if you wanted to go get some ice cream after school, maybe?" he said uneasily.
Kallel smiled, her head in her locker, standing on her tip toes to pull out her science book, 'should i say yes? sure? I'd love to? Of course?' she thought to herself, forgetting to answer. when she hadn’t responded he said "I mean if you don’t want to or have plans that’s okay"
She turned around and saw his face was turning red, she smiled "I'd love to Cam" she said, seeing his eyes light up when she said Cam, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
He looked like he wanted to run up and down the hallways but instead he said "alright cool" he walked her to her next class, Nathan, already in the classroom, noticed and smiled when Kallel sat down next to him.
"You and CQ, huh?" he teased, nudging her.
"you were right, he’s so awkward its cute" she said laughing, unable to stop smiling "he asked me if i wanted to get ice cream after school"
"what a stud" nathan said laughing as he shook his head in disbelief.
After the final bell, Kallel was walking with Colleen to their lockers. "so Cameron somewhat asked me out" Kallel said smiling
"Seriously? i told you he was the one to go after, stupid Logan" Colleen said angrily, she HATED Logan for what he did, often sending him evil glares.
"i should have listened, but I’m a rebel, so i tend to not listen" kallel said smiling "anyway, we're going for ice cream after school, so i cant walk home with you. but it was actually really cute the way he asked, he was like 'uhm Kallel, uhm, do you want to go get ice cream later, maybe. but if you don’t that’s okay' " she said in a guy tone "he was completely wigging out, his face was all red, his fingers were twitching." she said smiling to herself "oh and you should see his face when i call him Cam"
"he's waiting for you" colleen said, gesturing towards their lockers, where cameron was leaning up against them, his backpack slung over his shoulder. "and call him Cam so i can see how his face lights up" she said laughing.
When cameron noticed them he stood up straighter "hey Cameron" colleen said, turning the dial on the lock of her locker.
He smiled at her "hi Colleen." he turned towards Kallel "Hi Kallel" he said, sounding nervous.
"Hi Cam" she said, his eyes lighting up, opening her locker, Colleen must have saw his face because she busted out laughing, he looked like a puppy in love.
Cameron looked at her, confused "sorry, uh funny text message" colleen said, putting her head in her locker trying to stop laughing.
Kallel smiled and slung her backpack over her shoulder. "Ready?" she asked Cameron, who nodded and started walking towards the parking lot. "bye Colleen" she said before following cameron.
"sooo" cameron said shyly, taking a drink of his chocolate malt, he was sitting across from Kallel, avoiding eye contact.
Kallel smiled at him, removing the plastic spoon from her mouth "Cam" she started, she was calling him that just to see his reaction, she loved it. He glanced up at her "So are you always this nervous?" she said, teasing him, before taking another bite of her hot fudge sundae.
He shook his head 'no' but answered "pretty much, yeah." he admitted "Kallel, I-I, I have little to no experience with girls" he said, being honest. Kallel smiled "i understand if you want to laugh, go ahead" he said, looking away from her.
Kallel shook her head "no, it's just, I already kind of already figured that out. it was a bit obvious, but Nathan confirmed it" she said, finishing her sundae, placing her spoon in the cup and setting it off to the side. Cameron put his head in his hands and groaned. "I think its cute, you being a bit awkward around girls you like. And the way your eyes light up when I say Cam." she said, smiling at him.
He smiled at her, unsure of what to say "are you ready to go?" he asked standing up, offering her his hand. She nodded, tossed her cup into the garbage and accepted Cameron’s hand. He opened the car door for her, then walked to the other side of the car and got in, then drove to her house.
"you can come in if you want, I'm sure Elizabeth will want to see you when she gets home" Kallel offered as she got out of his car. he shrugged and followed her into her house. Kallel was using the restroom and cameron was waiting in her room. when she walked out of the bathroom she saw him pacing back and forth in front of her bed. "are you okay?" she asked, not moving.
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