Fame Is Now Injectable

You Should Have Raised A Baby Girl, I Should Have Been A Better Son

"Tour day!" Cayla screamed, throwing her bags in the back of the van. Nevaeh rolled her eyes and made her way to the white van sitting in her driveway.

Luckily, Cayla and Nevaeh had stayed the night together, so they were able to pick the two up together. Nevaeh smiled at Gerard, who had her luggage in one hand, and his other arm wrapped around Nevaeh's waist.

"Are you excited, V? I'm excited. I'm sure you're excited, cause your smiling. I like your smile." Frank babbled, his hazel eyes gleaming with hyperactivity and excitement. He had a travel mug in his hands.

Nevaeh rolled her eyes and grinned, resting her hands on her stomach. "Alright, who gave Frankie coffee? You guys know the rules."

Mikey and Cayla grinned, sheepishly, before climbing into the van. Nevaeh laughed and grabbed her pillow and blanket, struggling into the van. She sighed, happily, when she noticed that Gerard was curled up next to a window. She threw her pillow on him and giggled when he jolted upright.

"Morning, sleepy. Frankie had coffee." She giggled, shooting a glance at the short guitarist. "I think Mikey had something to do with it."

Gerard grinned, rolling his eyes at his girlfriend. Her green eyes were round and shining with excitement. She held her hands atop her stomach, smiling, brightly. He couldn't help but stare at the girl, who captured his heart, completely. She was all he needed to breath, but he still drank away pains.

He drank away the pains that he still lived with everyday. The painful memories of school and how he was told that he could never make it. The memories of watching the Twin Towers fall, so many people tumbling to their deaths. He saw it, felt it, cried for them, and still remembered every detail.

Could you live with that pain?


Two hours later, they were driving each other completely insane. Frank would continually ask the dreaded question, continuing it like a child. Nevaeh was coming very close to turning around and throttling him, her nerves on the edge. The baby wouldn't stop moving, her being so close to Gerard, so no sleep for her.

"Are we there---" Frank started, flinching when Nevaeh turned around and glared at him.

"Shut. Up." She growled, her green eyes wild.

He flinched grinned, sheepishly. HIs eyes were still filled with excitement as she turned back around, her hair swinging in her ponytail. He snickered as she lowered in the seat and curled into Gerard again.

Gerard wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled, feeling the baby kicking under his fingertips. Soon, with the rhythmic breathing of his girlfriend and the feel of baby feet kicking his hands, he fell asleep.

This time, without alcohol.


"Vaeh, wake up, sweetie." Gerard's voice hit her ears. She smiled and stretched, her belly filling her sight. She grinned up at her hazel eyed boyfriend, and sighed when his lips met hers. "We're here, babe."

She shot up, thankfully after Gerard had moved, and scrambled to shove him out of the way. She wanted to see the venue that she had heard was so great in this area. As it was standing, they were currently in New York. They had a show here, then one in Boston tomorrow.

"Oh, my fucking god! It's Taking Back Sunday!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I just really d.g.a.f right at this point.
Thanks guys for being so patient, seriously.

oh, and, fuck being a girl.