Witnessing The Wild Breeze


The next weekend came around quickly, fortunatley.
This time there were four parties, two movies coming out and a play. All of which Sam did not plan on attending. This weekend was all hers.
She pushed open the double doors and exited the school, breathing in the warm april air. Just as she was about to unlock her car, a voice called after her. It was Maria. Lovely.
"Aren't you coming over tonight?" Maria asked, tilting her head to one side.
Samantha's expression remained emotionless as she shook her head no.

"Aw! But everyone's going to be there." Maria whined.

She was far enough away not to notice Samantha look up in annoyance.
"Alexander's coming over, man." She said in return, getting into her car before Maria could protest.

It wasn't a lie. Alexander was coming over, hence Sam's good mood.
She hadn't seen him in a month.

It wasn't long before the purple jeep pulled up and the skinny, long-haired boy that she knew and loved was walking over the threshold, Tamborine in hand.
She awkwardly shut the door behind him as the giant hug she was expecting never occured.
"Hi." She smiled weakly. This was weird.
He was the closest person to her, and he ignored her presence as if they'd met yesterday.
"Yo. So what're we going to do, Sam I am?" He swayed from side to side, looking around the dimly lit house.
Her smile fell. It was as if he hadn't missed her at all. It was a moment she wished he was John.
"We can go upstairs, I guess." She mumbled in reply, eyes on the floor.

He collapsed on the love seat and looked up at her. This was usually the moment he realized something was wrong. He would ask if she wanted to talk about it; she would bluntly explain.
Nothing would change. No hard feelings.
But this was not the case.
He smiled at her, at least.
He then took a deep breath before his ranting went into action.

Alexander could talk your ear off, and that was one of the reasons she adored him.
Samantha was quiet, but she was the farthest thing from shy. She thought too much, and that was all.
She preferred to be in her head rather than out there with the rest of the world.
In her mind, she felt interesting.
The thoughts that resided there were hard to understand, or at most, appreciate. Which was another reason why she loved Alexander. For he understood her mind like the back of his hand. He was just as mentally fucked as she was, maybe more.

He was different though. His rant was hard to follow. But that could've been due to his, as well as her, many times spacing out. Her distraction was the screen saver on his phone. A girl, she knew vaguely. A girl she had heard enough about, that was for sure, to receive a sinking feeling in her stomach, soon followed by a nautious one.

Janelle Owens.

Samantha knew enough about Janelle Owens.
Janelle chopped all her hair off in her obsession with attention,
Janelle tripped a lot of acid.
Janelle conversed with every person like they were the most un-educated being she had ever met.
It was very likely Janelle Owens had an STD.

"Why in the world..." Sam though out loud.

'Hm?" was all Alexander said, slowly looking up at his best friend's puzzled expression.

They stared, emotionless, at eachother for a long moment.
That's when she knew things were about to change.
♠ ♠ ♠
So really, someone help me with the layout deal. AND how in the world can you make words italicized?
it also is a bit disappointing that I only have one reader and 0 comments. :( whoever you are, please tell me what you think so I don't feel like im wasting my time.