Witnessing The Wild Breeze


It wasn't until seven that night that he left, leaving her in a pile of confusion.
That's the only way she knew how to explain it. It wasn't jealousy, he was like her brother.
It wasn't angriness, He couldn't of known any better. It wasn't sadness...Or was it?
Could it be jealously?
She shook her head, ridding the swirl of uncertain thoughts from her already complicated mind.

They had been practicing a song for the second time, terribly, I must add. She was lost in a thought and he was stoned.
At a wrong chord, one fret off, she suddenly stopped playing, letting an agrivated sigh escape her lips. He didn't notice until a verse after.
"What's up with Janelle Owens on your screen saver?" She bluntly asked. Alexander creased his eyebrows, glancing at his phone.
"Right. Uh, we're dating now." He smirked.


"Seriously? Because I like her. Sam, why else do people go out? Is there something behind you and John that I don't know about?"

She was stunned at this unfimiliar harsh tone. It was a side of him that she never had a chance to lay eyes on. He never mentioned her and John's relationship and when he did, he never accused them of being anything except "Young and In love". As cliche as it sounds.
She thought to herself that there were a plethera of reasons people dated. In Janelle's case, to have a drug connection and someone to fuck.
He was oblivious.

She kept this thought to herself, though, seeing as he was too out there to really wrap his mind around the unfortunate truth, and began picking at the rusty strings of her guitar.
Although unsaid, through a silent realization, the exchanged the same fact, their friendship, built on 14 years unseperable, was falling apart.


Even five hours after he left, Samantha had yet to discover what in the world was going on.
It was a decision without being fully thought through, when she opened the damp window and lowered herself until her feet touched the air conditioning unit that sat directly under the window.
If it had not been for the sickening distance that seperated Sam and John, she would of been with him in a heartbeat. Instead, she resorted to dialing James' number. A guilty knot formed in her stomach as she remembered John's jealously issues, but it would be getting worked up for nothing. James wasn't appealing to her eyes. Sure, he was good-looking. Just not what interested her.
"Hello?" His husky voice came through the speaker.

They sat in the basement of James' house, taking an absurd amount of turns smoking from his hookah. She couldn't wrap her mind around the reason Maria could be friends with someone like him. She didn't understand how he fit into the group at all. But then again, neither did she. Maybe he was just finding himself being dragged around, like she was.
They were on the same page.
James had something beautiful about him that Samantha couldn't place.
His lips were bright red and complimented the small pink circles that faintly outlined his deep set eyes. A mess of blonde hair swept across his eyelashes and rested perfectly a bit off from the sides of his face.
Still, John had nothing to worry about. Samantha found the thought james being more than an escape a huge impossibilty.
"What's bothering you?" He asked for the millioneth time.
Up until now, Sam had just shrugged and lied with "It's nothing"

He came to the conlusion, though, that if it was nothing, she wouldn't have come over at midnight, taking refuge in the mango flavoured smoke filling her lungs.
She turned her head to look at him and it seemed her eyes were full of question.
"I honestly don't know." She started, unsure of how to explain her best friend and Janelle. Unsure of how to explain why she felt this way because of it. It was his life anyway, wasn't it? What business did she have nosing around and telling him what he could and couldn't do?
All in all, she decided that it was too much. Too much complaining, too much uncertainty. So she just stopped at "I honestly don't know" because that was all she could say, as of now.

John met her gaze and smiled weakly. He had a nice personality, Sam thought. He was one of those people that were filled with warm fuzzies and she was bewildered on how some people disliked people like him.
Still, John had nothing to worry about.


Samantha woke to the constant vibration against her arm. It was only seconds until she leaped out of the blanket that was tightly wrappped around her, realizing that the annoying sound was her phone.
James slept soundly in the giant easy chair he had sat in all night, except for the occasional getting up to smoke a ciggarette. It was then Sam remembered where she was and the happenings of the night before.

A heart stopping thought rushed into her head at that moment. For one, what time was it? And two, who had been repeatedly trying to contact her?
The thought was her parents. She hesitated to look at her phone, but had to eventually. It was only John, informing her about his nightmare. It was 5:00.

She laughed silently to herself and slowly rose up off the couch, stretching.
She walked around the basement, taking in everything she hadn't noticed the night before. The old posters covering the low ceiling, the numerous amounts of instruments either hanging on the walls or resting in stands.
She sighed and glanced at James, who was still fast asleep, and slipped out the door.
The day before had no effect on her, as it was still lost in the daze of sleep.
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hklrjgfhlrkejh what a drag. That just took me and hour to type.
and SERIOUSLY. i want feedback.
please and thank you.