Our Luck

Has Ran Out.

'Come to our clearing. Lovelove xox'

Typical. The girl I'm in love with throws the words at me with no meaning. Why cant I have good luck for a change. Why cant my string of bad luck be cut short. Why me.
I threw on my jacket, grabbed my keys and stormed into the dark cool night and to my car. Speeding down the long winding road to our forest of towering trees I let my mind wander into dreamful places of me her and our flower filled clearing.

I pushed my way through the tangles trees and winding vines until I got to our clearing. This is why it was ours,because no one would find it. My eyes first hit the picnic set out in the dead centre of our circular meadow light up with the tall candles placed on its soft centre.
The pale Pink blanket was covered in plates of sandwiches, crisps, biscuits and other various foods.

Next my eyes wandered to the candles running around the edge of our clearing lighting it up in a magical way.

My eyes then noticed the two dainty feet dangling just at the other side of the clearing.

My eyes trailed up her body not wanting to believe it would be her but there she was my Beautiful best friend. The love of my life. Just dangling from a branch, her blonde hair floating around her shoulders framing her delicate face that was peaceful in its death. The floral dress whipped around her little legs in the gentle breeze. She looked like she was floating peacefully in water but the harsh reality was my luck had run dry, she was dead.

I slowly walked towards her and I loosened the knot that was above the base of her neck which caused her body to fall into my arms. I sat down on the cool grass and cradled her body in my arms brushing loose stands of hair from her flawless face.

Why was I surrounded by this bad luck, why was I cursed to a life full of pain.

I noticed the necklace hanging from her neck was in the shape of a little bottle with a folded piece of paper inside. I undid the clasp and the dainty bottle fell into my hand. I pulled the cork from the top and threw it aside emptying the contents of this tiny jar into my open hand. I placed the chain and bottle back round her neck and redid the clasp.

The piece of paper unfolded to reveal a series of words that completed a sentence.

'I knew you loved me, I wasn't aloud to return the favour'

I turned it over to examine the paper and noticed another message.

'Enjoy our last meal'

Still hugging her body to mine I turned my head to look at the picnic set up.

I lifted her body and lay her next to the blanket. Weeping to myself I noticed another piece of paper in the empty wine bottle to the side of the glasses I had notice previously.

Glancing at her face I removed the cork and threw it aside just as I had before and removed the roll of paper.

Unrolling it I saw more sentences and little drawings.

'I did love you.'
'I cant be a lesbian'
'I had to set you free'
'Our luck has ran out'
'You were perfect to me'

The little sentences were scattered around the page accompanied with little doodles of two girls lying together in a circular meadow with scattered daises around them.

That last spring had been perfect.

I Loved Her.
She Loved Me.
Our Luck Was Out.

She Left Me In This Homophobic World Without Her. Alone.

I picked up her small frame and lay her just next to the tree she had been hanging from just next to the dancing flames of the candles illuminating our meadow. The glow on her face made her even more perfect.

I noticed her bag hanging from another branch searching inside I wandered what she brought to her dying day. I found a pen, notepad and the teddy I had given her for Valentines.
I brought out the pen and notepad and scrawled my own note. I shoved it into the pocket of my jacket and climbed the tree to the branch where the rope was tide.

I pulled up the noose and placed it around my own neck. I slowly slid of the branch and felt the breeze hit my face.

'I didn't know she loved me and I didn't know she cared I don't know why she left me but now our love has been repaired.
We Will be together forever floating about you, watching your every move. You Homophobic Murderers.'
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Yay I like it (:
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