Status: sorry this story is now scrapped so i won't edit it anymore thanks for reading

I Kissed a Jock and We Liked It

The date

[Tom POV] I was in my art class when we got a new kid, Caleb Leedman. He introduced himself and ended up sitting next to me. He tripped on his laces right next to my desk making everyone laugh, but me. I gave him my hand and lifted him up when Mike’s friend in abuse, Tad said, “Oh look the faggots are holding hands.” Caleb responded with, “Then why aren’t you and your friend holding hands.” I looked at Caleb in shock and thanks when the bell rang for lunch. I got out of my chair and said, “My names Tom.” We shook hands and we starts matching up our schedules had like almost every class together. We were chatting about our favorite bands and colors (mines neon green) when I saw Ryan talking to Mike. I looked for awhile when Caleb looked in the same direction noticed the two guys, too. ‘You ‘friends’ with Mike? Or is it his friend cause that boy looks honest to God sexy,” Caleb said. I looked up at Caleb how did he? “I got a really good gaydar. So it’s affirmative I’m gay are you?” I nodded. “Closet case?” he asked. I nodded again when we were tackled by Jocelyn and Kendra. We were heading to the cafeteria when I noticed Ryan was alone. “Hey guys I’m gonna join you later,” I said leaving. They nodded their heads and went in without me. I walked up to Ryan and he said, “You’re getting less shy around me I used to have to demand you to talk to me.” I shook my head blushing and he held me in his arms and led me to a room painted red with all the windows covered. “What is this place?” I asked. There was candles everywhere with books in the corner on the shelf and a table with pillows near it like chairs. “It’s my hang out spot soon to be ours. It’s by the stairs leading to the gym,” he said, “Don’t tell lots of people.” “Why are we here?” I asked. For our first date,” he said and kissed me. He brought out Chinese my favorite food and we ate and talked and watched Role Models it was so funny. We didn’t even kiss till we got to the stairs and that was the best part. I gave him my number and I jogged to my class just in time. Maybe saying yes to him wasn’t as bad thing maybe we’ll be ok.

[Ryan POV] Mike came up to me today furious we were taking near the cafeteria. “He’s here,” Mike muttered. “Wow should I know who he is?’ I asked. “My ex-boyfriend,” Mike said, “Caleb.” “Why’s he your ex?” I asked. “He’s psycho,” Mike said, “There he is with your special someone.” I turned and saw Tom with I guess Caleb. “You sure he’s crazy?” I asked. “Yup. Hold on to your someone tight,” Mike said and he started leaving when I asked, “Mike who’s your special someone taking care of you?” He finally left and as soon as I didn’t see him anymore I looked up and notice Tom had walked up to me alone. “You’re getting less shy around me. I used to have to demand you to talk to me,” I said. I held him in my arms and led him to my hide out. I had it all the candles early and gotten Chinese just in case, but Tom really enjoyed it. At the end of our date I kissed him and saw him jog to class. Math class where we had officially started being a couple. I got a call a second later. “Ryan. I need you here real quick,” she said trying to sound seductive. I huskily said, “Ya.” I hung up groaning. This isn’t the first time I’ve been the slave I thought walking to my car.
♠ ♠ ♠
>where is Ryan going?
>is Caleb a good friend for Tom to have?