Status: sorry this story is now scrapped so i won't edit it anymore thanks for reading

I Kissed a Jock and We Liked It

A Bunch of Maybe's

[Ryan POV] I left school and want to a nearby chinese restaurant. "Hello young sir where will you be sitting?" the waitress lady asked me. "I'm here under a Mrs. McCarthy," I said, She nodded her head and lead me to one of the private rooms. I walked in and was rushed into a hug. "Hey Mom," I smiled. My mom sat down next to a table filled with a huge array of food. "Someone is definetly hungry? I guess I might have a real sibling after all," I joked. I sat next to my mo as we started eating. "No. It's cause I know you haven't had real good food in a long time," she said. "You grow used to the taste of soy milk and organic meat," I said joking. We both knew my dad's cooking sucked, so I usually eaat out while he eats in. He doesn't really know much about me and I guess i don't know much about him either. Mom left us or sorta him technically cause I see her in private. He doesn't know cause he would be a trainwreckand I tend to enjoy my school and if I live with mom. I might have to move. "How' the trip with Bin-laden," I said pushing her buttons. She stuck her tongue out at me and said, "Me and Samhdi had a great time and I got to meet his family and stuff, but this lunch isn't about anything but you and us. Plus those clothes they said we "coverering" me were really heavy and itchy." "Well that guy I liked we're going out just secretly ," I said. My mom nodded while trying to use her chopsticks and said, "It's more safe, but things can happen that you have no control over Ryan." I nodded and said, "Otherwise things are pretty good, but a certain someone keeps calling me. Miss call Ryan whenever you are horny." My mom fell out of her chair laughing and through it all I understood was, "You get....that. haha...from me Mr. don't you forget it. Son, Andelide is in a new place and you just have a charm with your women and man." I laughed stealing some of her Kung Pao Chicken, "Yah Mom what do I not get from you." "You can tell him I'm back for you," she said. "No Mom I can't do that to him. He still lives in the same house just in case you'll come crawling back to him. He's living so he can constantly pull out and do anything for you. Mom it's been ten years," I said. She mused over my hair and said, "Okay thanks for caring for you dad." We started talking about things and having fun I missed these times with her where I could tell her everything.

[Caleb POV] I saw Ryan deal with the two girls and took photos, but the icing on the cake was the older girl he is still with. I had a camera and was secretly taking pictures of him in the chinese place. I want Tom for myself I always thought he was hot he would be a really sexy play toy. He never knew that Mike was just my bitch and that I was was the leader of the gang that beat him up on a daily basis. (ya Mike now knows he's crazy btw readers) Maybe I can get him today when we are hanging out later.

[Tom's POV] I was at my locker and a picture fell out of Ryan and this random older woman and looked like they were on a date. I looked at the photo on the ground. I fell tears rolling down as I thought: Is this why we never go out in public? Trying to hide me from his older maybe college girl friend. All he wants from me is sex. I picked up the photo as my tears were rolling down it. i ran to the bathroom after the shock wore off. I was breaking everything in the stall and pulled out my stash it had a bunch of my razors that I was gonna get rid of I thought I could be happy with Ryan, but of course he was just messing with me that could never happen. I grabbed my razors and kept slashing into my self past my shirt and jacket not caring just wanting to get out all the frustration, sorrow, and anger that came out. My blood and tears were entertwining and claps from my shredded clothing came in the mix. I was cutting everywhere when I sanitized my blood andn looking up at the ceiling as if on instinct I threw my blade up and as it started coming down perfectly aimed. I opened the stall door and right before I left the bathroom stall I heard the razor cling with the flooring. I ended up sorta hobbling out of the school as tears started falling again these are one of those cries that you know will hurt like a bitch when your done. i really can't take anymore shit in this day I thought. I was almost outside when I crashed into someone the final hit to spiral me into unconsciousness.

[Ryan's POV] I walked into school after lunch with my mom in a super uper good mood and I know how gay that sounds, but I couldn't wait to see Tom.I was heading to his locker when he crashed into me and I was about to tell him everything when I noticed his clothes were all shredded and lots of blood was pouring and he was totally blacked out. Quickly but gentlky I picked him up and carried him to my car. I buckled him thinking that if we get in a car accident while he's in this state he would totally yell at me causing myself to make a hollow laugh justing trying to get us to the hospital safely. As I drove I held on to his arm tight to make blood stop flowing and to seem like I was fighting as hard for him to stay alive as I could like my hand touching his was the one thing in this world that would keep him alive. As soon as we got to the hospital the medics pulled him up and away from me. I held up my hand as if I was still sort of keeping me alive. I zoned out when i heard a honk go off in the car behind me. The nurse had me wait in a chair next to the room he would go after his surgery. All I could do was pace when I saw Mike come he gave me a dude hug and said, "I heard that your man got injured. What happened to him?" I pushed him and started breathing heavy when I yelled, "I asked you to do one thing for me Mike to keep him safe and not let him get hurt like this. If you can't tell me who does can't you at least stop it." "I didn't do a darn thing," Mike muttered glaring at jme, "I told youI could never hurt someone like that." I nodded and looked away as the doctors put him in his room and said, "Thanks Mike you can go now." I was about to open the door when the nurse came back and said, "Sir he is alive, but the injuries were selfmade. He will need to stay here longer to see if he can be realeased." I looked through the window in the door to my love. How could he do something like this to his beautiful self? 'Can I go see him?" I asked looking at the nurse. She nodded and as I went in the room I thought about taking a chair when I decided against it. I went in his bed and held on to him. As I was starting to drift off I noticed my mom walk in the room and sit on the chair she whispered, "Take better care of my future son-in-law take better care." She left probably to make the phone calls, but all I could think about was my Tom. Maybe later Tom will tell me not to show this affection in public or check me out and I'll pretend I don't notice or maybe we could talk about this, but all I know is that this is a bunch of maybe's .....................