Status: sorry this story is now scrapped so i won't edit it anymore thanks for reading

I Kissed a Jock and We Liked It

He doesn't know himself

[Tom’s flashback] I was in the warehouse with Mr. Todd. I was talking to him about me and Ryan. He knows more about me than anyone. “Do you love him Tom?” he asked. I nodded and he said, “Then it’s natural.” “Thanks Mr. Todd ,” I said. “I wish my son was like you Tom,” he said. “You have a son?” I asked. “Yah! I sorta know you more than him,” he said, “I think he’s sort of ashamed of me.” “How could someone be ashamed of you? You make the best organic turkey ever,” I said. “Thanks Tom! Feel free to stay here whenever you like,” he said.

[Tom's POV] I blinked a couple times and noticed I was in a white room. I looked down and saw Ryan sleeping on a chair and holding my hand. I looked at his hair just spread out everywhere, but he was smiling he must be having some really nice dreams. I tried to get angry at him since it was his entire fault how I have hurt myself because I was crying and so depressed since he cheated on me. It is all his fault! I released his hand from my grip and put my hand away from him. He got up stretching his body making his abs tighten and his shirt didn’t do much to block them from me. He sat down and I noticed dried tears on his cheeks and some new ones forming in his eyes. He gulped and said, “Why did you do that Tom?” “Do what?” I asked. Everything I had done had a reason, but here he was crying his eyes out and making me feel guilty. He has broken my heart. “You cut your whole body and crashed into me, Tom and you crashed into me knocking out as soon as we had contact. I brought you here and your okay. What were you thinking Tom?” he said. I looked at his eyes one more time and slowly raised my hand, caressing his cheeks and after gaining some strength I slapped him. “How dare you cheat you on me Ryan?” I said taking out the picture that was in my locker. He looked at it and yelled, “How could you think I cheated on you? That’s all you have. Do you even know who she is?” His yelling brought in the lady from the picture. She must have been outside the whole time and she said to Ryan, “Don’t yell at him like that my future son-in-law while he is sick in a hospital, Ryan?” Future son-in-law? Ryan sat in the chair with his hands on his head looking really stressed and said to me, “Tom meet my Mom. Mom this is your so called ‘future son-in-law’ Tom.” Ryan got up and left probably pissed off at me I would be too if my boyfriend thought I was cheating on him with my own Mom. I should have asked him first. “Don’t worry he’ll come around. He’s a big softy. You should have seen crying outside your room,” his mom said as she sat in the chair he just stormed out of. I nodded, but laid my head down. “Ryan has it hard please take care of him. Me and his dad are separated, so I guess it’s my fault. I sort of abandoned him as a kid,” she breathed out “How could you leave someone like him? How could I hurt someone like him?” I said facing her as my tears started rolling down. “You never mean to hurt him it just happens when you selfishly think you will be the one getting hurt,” she said trying to calm me down, “It’s not your fault you didn’t know better.” “I’m his boyfriend I should know him better than everyone else. If I don’t know him who does?” I yelled causing her to start laughing and shaking her head. My hands were paling as I turned them into fists. How could she laugh when no one knows her son, my baby? She got up and mused my hair and said, “No one can know someone who doesn’t know themselves and can’t let themselves in. You think McCarthy is his real last name? It’s the last name of my new husband, his step dad. No one knows Ryan unless he lets them and he doesn’t know him himself.” “How could he not know himself?” I yelled glaring right at her. “Do you know yourself, Tom?” she said. Her face next to me glaring right back at me. She has Ryan’s eyes. I cowered lowering my head down and she joined me in looking down and she took my hand. This night was our first big meeting. I thought I would meet her in a better situation or when I was looking better, but of course that can’t happen for me and Ryan. She understood that this jock is important to me and I learned I would never know him like I would like to and that he may never even know himself……

[Ryan’s POV] I was outside the hospital thinking what if he had gotten the picture of me and Jade that was a lie too, but more likely to believe than him and my mom. What would I say than? Is my faking with Meghani cheating, too? I would never wanna cheat on Tom how could I ever do something to Tom.