Status: sorry this story is now scrapped so i won't edit it anymore thanks for reading

I Kissed a Jock and We Liked It

I love a lot of things

>>>>Fast Forward 13 days>>>

[Ryan’s POV] I was at the hospital again. I’ve come back here everyday that Tom’s been here. Thirteen days. It’s been so long since I stormed out of here, but I can’t face him yet. My phone rang and I just let it ring in my pocket. I glanced over at him and thought Am I really cheating on him when I am with Meghani? It’s only because I’m being blackmailed. I know I have to make it perfect for Tom when he comes out of the hospital. The only way I can without hurting me. I took out my phone checking the caller id and it said “Meghani”. I opened it and answered in a bored tone, “Hey Meghani.” “Hey Ryan I want to go watch a movie right now I was wondering if you wanted to watch it with me?” she asked. Like I have a choice I thought. “Sure meet you there?” I asked. “Ya! See you in five minutes at North Gate,” she said hanging up. I shoo my head and looking through Tom’s window one more time as if he’d wake up and wave me over. As if he’d want me to be by his side. I always come when he sleeps, but who said I couldn’t dream about a perfect life with Tom. I got my stuff and left not daring myself to look good. I will make this a better world for Tom and for us.

[Tom’s POV] I got woken up by a nurse she looked around my age didn’t know they hire nurses this young. “Hey I’m Nelly,” she said, “You sure are on hot shot.” “I’m in a bed and no one visits me,” I said joking, “I’m sure hot shot isn’t the best word to use.” We laughed together when she said. “No that’s not it I bet when your school friends come the doctors will put a bouncer to collect money at your door to pay for everything. Only the person that brought you here and your family can see you at this time, but that boy of yours man he comes here everyday right on time to watch you sleep from the door ask how your doing. He sure is a looker.” I choked on the water she gave me and said, “What does he look like?” “Not really sure, but he rights his name in the sign-in entry sheet.” She walked to my door opening it yelled, “Hey Flow what’s the boy’s name?” She came back in sitting on my bed smiling to herself and said, “Ryan McCarthy.” I smiled back, but wasn’t really happy. “Thanks Nelly,” I said. She nodded as a frown started to form on her face she must have noticed that I wasn’t genuinely happy when she left with a, “I’ve got to go blankets to fold, corpses to cover.” I was being bad to Ryan and he still visits me when I caused myself to come here. He hasn’t broken my heart, but I know that I’ve broken his. I turned off his light by one of those bedside remotes as my tears came pouring down. I’m sorry Ryan I never meant to hurt you all I wanted to do was protect you.

[Ryan’s POV] I got to the North Gate movie theatre and saw Meghani quietly waiting for me all alone. I couldn’t be mad at her when I saw her like that. She hasn’t done much to me not, but she is pretty nice. “Hey Meghani did you already buy the tickets?” I asked. She shook her head. We walked to the ticket stand and we held hands. We got in the theater and she chose Stepdad. “Impressive,” I said. "What is?" she said as we sat in the back. "You didn't choose a chic film,"I said. She fake slapped me as we joked around till the previews came when some people came in and two looked like those girls Tom hangs with. "Hey Kendra," Meghani said smiling. "Hey Meghani, Ryan! What's up?" Kendra said. "Not much," I said smiling at her. "Kendra come on,' Tom's other friend said. "'Kay Jocelyn, " Kendra said leaving, "Bye Ryan. Bye Meghani." I looked at Meghani and held her hand whisphering, "I don't judge." She sunk in her seat and said, "You were supposed to make me straight again." "It's not bad," I said. "You should know," Meghani tensed getting up. "Yes, I should," I said closing my eyes. "Now Tom's in the hospital cause he thinks I cheated on him and hurt himself. And you know what he's right. I'm here with you so I can pretend to be straight too and to not get blackmailed.” She touched my shoulder and sat back down. “Don’t,” I said, “You’ll feel good at least being honest to yourself and her.” “What’s going to happen to you?” she said. “I’ll continue lying and stay Mr. Popular, Tom will get tired of me dump me and find a new boyfriend just not with as good abs and I’ll probably end up marrying a skank. Go to a very admired fancy college and have some kids with that skank maybe have a mistress. Make a scandal and go to jail.” “Feels like your life has just passed right before my eyes,” she said. “It did,” I joked as we laughed quietly. “I’ll be there for you the whole time,” she said. “I’d like that Ms. Best Friend,” I said and we laughed. “After all I’ve done you still want me to be your friend?” she asked looking at me. I shook my head no and said, “Duh! You’re my best friend and you can’t have too many. I trust you babe.” As we left the theatre after the movie she asked me, “Do you love him?” As we got outside rain started to pour heavily making everything gray. “I love a lot of things,” I said looking up as the rain poured…