Status: sorry this story is now scrapped so i won't edit it anymore thanks for reading

I Kissed a Jock and We Liked It

Nighty night sexy

[Tom's POV] Caleb and Jocelyn came back in with my food. I ate some of it and we had fun until the hours had gone by in a blur. It became eight o'clock when Nelly told them they had to leave. I was feeling sleepy while the left so decide that I would sleep now. I turned off the lights with the bed side remote and fell asleep dreaming about Ryan.

[Caleb's POV] I walked out with the girls purposely leaving my jacket in Tom's room. I walkerd all the way to the parking lot with them. "Shit I left my jacket in Tom's room," I said. "Want us to go with you?" Kendra asked. I shook my head and said, "I'm not six you guys i can go alone." They nodded and left in Jocelyn's car. I smirked walking back to the hospital while being silhoutted in the dark. I should win an Oscar for my acting! Now tonight Tom would be mine. I went up the stairs quietly entering Tom's area when a nurse tried to hold me saying, "You shouldn't be here. Visitor hours are done." "I just want to get my jacket," I said innocently, "I won't be long." she nodded and turned off most of the lights. i smirked as I entered his room.
[Tom's POV] I was sleeping when my door creaked open. I was feeling really dizzy probably the medication I am taking. I looked at the small light that creeped behind the person as it blinded me. The figure looked very familiar to me. I told him, "I love you Ryan. I'm sorry I didn't tell you all those times, but i really do." He nodded and came over and kissed me on the lips. They felt different than usual so i pulled away and I noticed Ryan pout next to me. "Close the door," I whisphered. he did so and came back after removing his shirt making me giggle. "Are you ready for this?" he asked. I nodded and his lips crashed on me. He licked my lips begging for entrance and his tongue entered my mouth slowly turning me on. i removed the hospital gown they make me wear. He went down my neck and found my sweet spot near my shoulder blade making me moan. Ryan grinded into me harder. "Ryan, we're too loud they might hear us," I said. He shook his head and captured my lips again only stopping when we needed to breath. As his tongue descended down my chest to my belt, I shivered and flipped us over and opened his belt with my mouth. I removed his pants while he undid mine and got hit with his dick after popping off his boxers. I slid down slowly teasing him and licked his head causing him to moan. I looked down and frowned causing Ryan to ask me, "What's wrong?" I blushed looking down and he repeated the question. "it's just your Ryan I thought it would be bigger," i whisphered. He smirked and kissed me. I didn't pause as I put my mouth on his shaft taking as much as I could. He came after a few swirls and licks from my mouth and he didn't taste good. He closed his eyes and said, "I love you Tom." I looked at him and fell unconscious. (by the way whenever Tom says Ryan it's actually Caleb).

[Caleb's POV] I was too tired and fell asleep after wrapping my arms around Tom and smirking as the drugs knocked him out. Nighty night sexy!
>>>FF to the next day>>>>
[Ryan's POV]
I left the hospital last night not giving Tom a chance to answer me. Why would he like someone like me? Why would anyone like someone like me? I left to my house and just kept thinking horrible thoughts what if he doesn’t like me? What if he’s just playing me? I kept pacing the room until my phone went off. I smirked when I saw the caller id was Meghani. “Hey girly what you want?” I asked. “I want her,” she breathed into the phone. “You gonna get her?” I asked not needing to know who this she was. “It’s gonna be hard,” she said. “It’s already hard,” I said. “This is the first time I’m saying it out loud,” she said. “You get used to it in your head it’s just saying out loud saying it to the ones you love saying it to the world that’s the issue,” I said. She sighed into the phone saying, “Wanna see lover boy?” I smiled and said, “Come get me tomorrow. Bright and early.”
♠ ♠ ♠
>will Ryan catch Tom and Caleb?
>will Tom find out he was drugged?