Ice and Fire

.002 Dry Grass -Jepha


Jepha’s stretched ear lobes glinted in the sun, the beautiful ball of flame. When it boiled down to it, everything in life revolved around fire. So why was it so wrong for Jepha to have a fixation with the one thing that kept this world alive? He crouched before the control cabin for the Ferris wheel. When he looked skyward, he received a dramatic view of the metal wheel and its slowly moving carts. The sun caught the metal in a most inspiring way. The wheel was so calm and serene in comparison to the rest of the park. The ride was a peaceful one, not a track of fast twists and plummeting drops. It was just a Ferris wheel.

The weather here was unpredictable. Minutes earlier a dreadful storm had been brewing, now the sun shone shyly from behind the clouds. Jepha’s eyes followed people leaving and boarding the ride. The matches in his back pocket pressed into his thigh lustfully. One strike and the whole thing would be up in flames, people running terrified from the fire. A shiver rippled through his body; almost suggesting he create a little warmth, melt the ice encasing everyone this winter.

Jepha slowly pulled the matches from his right pocket. Sure, he had set things a light before, but nothing of this scale. Previously, he had been setting trees and bushes on fire, not a Ferris wheel in a fun fair. He turned the matches over and over in his hand, questioning his future actions. It was unlikely for him to be caught; due to the fact most of the evidence would be burnt in the blaze.

A strong wind ripped past Jepha’s shoulder. He looked out to the ocean and saw a storm was coming. He weighed this setback up in his mind. On one hand, the strong winds would blow the fire out of control. On the other, if it began to rain, the fire would be put out. The scales were tipping heavily to the positive side, weights falling off into the depths of his mind.

Jepha shook his head roughly to clear all thoughts. The control switches were in a wooden cabin, which would easily set a light. Supervisors wandered near the queues around a corner and the controller was on a break, it would be a while before anyone figured out the ride was on fire. A grin tore at the sides of his mouth. He slipped three matches out of the box and pushed the last of the doubt out of his mind, as he struk all three at once. He placed them on the grass around the horse. The grass quickly caught, thanks in large part to the drought England had faced that winter.

Jepha stood transfixed for a moment. The flames moved so gracefully, dipping and curving around each blade in a beautiful shade of yellow. He really couldn’t understand how some people were scared of such a beautiful element. Sure, it was destructive, but was it not the great fire of London that led to such an elegant city to emerge? He was snapped from his reverie as he watched the cabin light, fire quickly spread up the cabin doors. Attendants would be coming soon, Jepha decided. It was time to go set the Ferris wheel a blaze.