Dark Insanity

Chapter One: Raven

"Help me, please!"

I turned to see a girl dressed in black stand beside my bed, crying her heart out, black mascara running down her face. Her black hair covered her blue eyes, and crimson blood dripped down from her hand. Staring at her calmly, I sadly smiled and shook my head.

"Why not?! Please! I'm begging you!" she screamed.

"Because," I whispered, " I cannot even free myself, my friend. I wish to help you,but I cannot."

The young maiden stared at me with grief, and put her hands into her hands. She muttered something incoherent, shaking her head violently. I reached out a hand, but I couldn't I was restrained to the bed with iron cuffs. Suddenly, the girl stared at me, her pale face filled with enraged fury.

"You shall never rest," she spat," until you set yourself free, and therefore set us free."

She then contorted into a horrible creature. Her eye sockets sunk back, her teeth elongating into razor-sharp fangs. The girls fingernails grew into sharp talons, and she cut my skin as she grabbed a hold of my collar.

"You will soon learn how life truly works, Raven. Just wait." she hissed.

Then she tore at my face, ripping me into shreds. Yet I still was alive,well my soul was. My physical body had been destroyed. The demon grabbed my throat, holding me in the air, choking me. Not wanting to die, I felt a sudden chill swell up inside my chest, building up like a balloon.

"You will not live to see tommorrow, girl!" She laughed.

"Oh, really?" I spat, "Watch this!"

Letting all the pressure within me free, I blasted the monster halfway across the room. She dropped onto the floor with a sickening thud. Slowly, she got up and lunged at me, but she was quickly shoved back by black tendrils that flung her across the room. This time she hit the wall, actually putting some cracks into it. As she layed in a bloody heap, the poor soul transformed into the way she was. Staring at me, she smiled.

"Thank you,Raven. You helped me. Now it's time for us both to move on. " and she died.

Sighing, I turned back around, but was immediately stopped by an eerie shadow. It stood right in front of me, hatred spewing from it like a water hose. It grabbed my collar, pulling me closer to him, snarling.

"You think you deserve to be free? Well, you don't!"

I shook slightly, not from fear, but anger. However, I was weak against him. I have always been. I also knew what was gonna happen. I've seen it a thousand times. It flung me up into the air, and before I hit the ground, it slammed me onto the floor.Dazed, I couldn't get up, which gave him the opportunity it needed. It sat on top of me,wielding a wicked dagger, black onyx. It laughed as it slashed against my chest. I screamed a blood curdling scream.

"Raven!Wake up,Raven!"

Opening my eyes, I saw Elda stare at me with wide eyes. She shook her head, apparently I had another nightmare. I looked down at my chest to see if I had any scars. Lifting up my shirt, I saw five long, freshly made scars run across my chest and my stomach.

"How bad, Rae?" she murmured.

"Five fresh ones," I replied sadly, "how bad did I scream?"

She looked at me seriously, so apparently it was bad. My thoughts were confirmed when a sleazy nurse came into the room with a huge needle. I shook my head, not wanting a tranquillizer. The nurse stared at me blankly, grabbed my wrist and plunged the needle into my arm. Ignoring the pain, I felt the liquid crap get pumped into me. After the injection, she pulled it out, shuffling back into the lobby.

"I hate them,"I murmured, feeling sleepy.

"Me, too. Stupid quacks." she muttered.

I nodded in agreement with my friend. This asylum was filled with people that didn't need to be in here with these quacks, like Elda and me. We are innocent, we always have been. However, our parents didn't think so. Apparently talking to the dead wasn't normal or righteous for good little girls to do. My parents placed me here to "teach me not to tell tall tales". They though I was on drugs, which I know I have never done that. Also, they thought that I was suicidal due to the scars I got. However, I know I'm not, but they stuck me in here and have never seen me since. Nor has my dear brother, whom I loved dearly.

I sighed as the medication began to take it's effect. Robert hardly came to see me anymore, I guess from being too busy with his life. I grimaced, I wanted to have a life, too. I deserved one. We all do. However, I guess life has a different idea, but that still didn't mean that I wanted to go out for fresh air, or to play with other girls my age. Feeling myself fall into sleep, I felt a single tear be shed. I didn't want to go back into the nightmares, I just wanted to be "normal". However, that was never an option for me, nor will it ever be. I was destined to be different forever.