Dark Insanity

Chapter 9 :Elda

The police cars sirens rang out, almost deafening us, but we exited and ran. God knows what happened to the old man.
Footsteps chased us, but that motivated me to keep running and I nodded to Raven to split up.
I hooked a left and kept going until my lungs started burning. The cuts I got from the crash hurt, but I ignored the pain.
I only prayed Raven was ok.

I remembered James well, but I knew Raven was in love with him. He wasn't for me anyway.
I loved him, but I knew I would have killed him sooner or later had it not been for that bullet. After that, I felt terrible, because I knew Raven missed him and deserved him so much more.

When I awoke from that incident later on, Rae was asleep as well, with tears in her eyes.
I pulled a tattered bed cover over her, and stared out the window in sadness.
If only I could go back in time and change it all.

I had almost made it safety, which was an abandoned building ahead of me covered in vines.
Bullets whisked by me a mile a minute, and pain exploded up my left arm to my shoulder. I fell to the ground in anguish as I felt them grabbing me and dragging me back to the cars.
I tried to fight, but it was useless, and I gave in to sleep as they shoved me into the patrol car and back to hell.