Dark Insanity

Chapter Ten:Raven

I heard Elda scream once a gain. Pulling myself up, I shook her, waking her up. She opened her eyes, staring at me with fear. She thought we were caught. I shook my head, a sad smile on my face. She looked at me for the longest moment, not saying a word. Elda then flung herself up, storming off to calm herself down. I didn't follow her, I learned a long time ago not to do that.

On my knees, I thought a bout the old man that helped us escape. Is he alive? Is he alright? A stab of guilt hit me: he was probably in a lot of trouble due to us. Correction: Me. If it wasn't for me, Elda wouldn't have this trouble. If it wasn't for me, everyone would be perfect and happy. A tear fell from my eye, a rare thing. I never cried, ever. At least, not in front of Elda.


I looked up to see Elda standing over me, her face full of worry. Pulling me up, I brushed the dirt off of me. We needed to get going, but where? Where could we go? Apparently Elda was thinking the same, she was biting her lip.

"Where to?" I blurted, the silence becoming too much.

"No idea. I thought you would have an idea." she replied, a tint of frustration in her voice.

"I'm sorry, Elda. It's all my fault." I whispered, suddenly not wanting to be there.

I ran away from Elda, not to leave her, but to give her a chance to be free. I was dangerous, someone that shouldn't be around others. I skidded to a stop. Elda needs me. And I need her.