Dark Insanity

Chapter 11: Elda

Raven ran off to think, and me to try to come up with a plan.
The car had been turned over, and the faint light of police cars was in the distance. we were near some woods as seen in my dream, so I rushed over to Raven and told her my plan.
"We need get to the woods before they get here, just to stay out of sight for awhile."
She was reluctant, but we had no choice.

We went around and picked up anything that may have been useful such as two switchblades in the ruins of the cars glove box, and ran off to the woods.
"In my dream, we split up, should we do it?" I asked.
"No, not unless its our only option if they get us."
Understanding, we ran til the sirens sounded like insects, our legs seeming as though on fire.

By now we had arrived by a run done but till operational motel, where we asked the manager if we could spend the night.
"For two pretty girls like you? of course!" he said laughed kindly. He was a mid aged man with a family, yet he was the only one running the motel. I went to pay him with some money I found from the car, but he insisted we stay for free.
"I don't get many customers, and you two are the first in a while, so go ahead and make yourselves at home." he said handing us two room cards.
"Just call me if you need anything."

The room was in better shape then we expected, and we instantly went to the beds and fell asleep, not waking until nightfall.

Yet I couldn't sleep at all without having nightmares. Rae slept quietly, but everytime I closed my eyes, I couldn't stop dreaming of the asylum.
So instead of sleeping, I watched by the window as it started to rain, with my sobs becoming drowned out as it got heavier by the minute.